Importance of an Alkaline Diet

In this webinar, Simonne Holm would share the benefits of an Alkaline Lifestyle through an alkaline diet. Overview & Key Takeaway: What is Alkaline food? What is pH balanced diet and how to incorporate it in your daily diet? Benefits of Alkaline Lifestyle and how to approach it. Easy alkaline recipes to take to work…

Relation​ships: The Power of Opposites

Have you considered the possibility that those differences that can seem so problematic may actually be the very things that produces the spice and passion that sustains, builds and enlivens relationships. In this webinar you’ll learn that you don’t need to panic if you experience conflict in your relationship. Dr.Adizes will show you why conflict…

Motherhood in Modern Age

In today’s modern world, as parents, we face a lot of trials and hardships, as we balance our work, home, relationships and parenting. At this juncture, this webinar would focus on enthusiastic parenting in the modern age. Overview : In the webinar Motherhood in Modern Age, Ms. Winegar would be talking about the role of…

Stop paying attention (…to so many things)

Focus and clarity are not the norm in our busy, distracted lives today. The precious resource of our attention is continuously frittered away on so many things around us. Very few individuals learn how to “save” their attention instead of “spending” it. Those who develop this ability excel at their chosen endeavor and live fulfilling,…

Nourishment for the Autism Family

Overview & Key Takeaway: In the webinar Nourishment for the Autism Family, Kirsten will be talking about how families of children with autism can create an environment in which everyone can thrive. Topics include: What is autism and how is it diagnosed? It’s nobody’s fault: things that do not cause autism Hidden gems: some blessings…

YOUTH – Courage to follow your heart

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” – Franklin D Roosevelt This month, we have a group of young speakers who are passionate about empowering youth, and planting seeds of love, courage, fulfillment and spiritual purpose, in a challenging world. This webinar to discover:…

Resilience – Adjust your sails

Emotional resilience is our ability to ’bounce back’. To readjust our goals, or to set our sails differently when the wind changes. It’s especially the ability to live with an open heart, in times of adversity and difficulties. An open heart is a key element in emotional resilience, as well as in a mothers love.…

Through Wellness, Happiness

Overview & Key Takeaway: Dr Snehal will speak about the 10 steps to happiness and how it is related to our well-being. She will explain that our real wealth is ‘health’; and the earlier we awaken to this, the better it is for us, our families and the society we care for. Good health cannot…

Conquering Fear

Ms. Vani Kola would speak about her journey of “discovering self”. Heartfulness meditation has helped her to confront her fears. One clings to fears because one is not ready to face them. However anyone can learn to free themselves of fear and move to freedom. In this talk, Ms. Kola would explore practical ways to…

Simple mantra for healthy living

Does science have all the answers for human illness? Is health and illness decided purely by our genes? Do genes decide how to evolve? There are theories that hypothesize otherwise and recent scientific studies that allude we are not just genes. In the new world view human mind assumes special significance. In view of this…

Communication Matters

This month, the ‘GLOW’ team brings you an interactive and experiential webinar on “Communication Matters” for women. GLOW stands for ‘Genuine Loving Outstanding Women’ and is a series of monthly online meditation workshops for women everywhere to learn and practice Heartfulness meditation in the comfort of their homes or workplace. The aim is to help…

Emotional Intelligence & Leadership

Leadership is a “people business” and emotional intelligence (or EI in short) is the missing link. EI helps leaders know themselves and use their own strengths — and work with and through people effectively. EI is defined as the skills or ability necessary to identify, assess and control the emotions of oneself, other people or…