TTC200, Apr 2021 Molena (GA), USA
Location: Molena (GA), USA
Yoga Instructor

TTC200 – Apr 2021, Molena(GA) USA

Immersion into Yoga. Six weeks of deep learning online and two weeks of an amazing residential immersion program in India. Discover the full spectrum of Yoga and uplift your spiritual journey.

Course Description

This innovative course is a blend of online learning supported by a 2-week residential program in one of our ashram locations in India/ Europe. Start your journey into Yoga at home with a daily practice for 6 weeks, along with an online learning program, through video classes and readings. Throughout the course you will have the support of our dedicated Yoga and Wellness team, whilst getting to connect with a worldwide community of others who are passionate about yoga through our webinars.

During the 2-week immersion you will learn to deepen your practice and gain experiential knowledge in the practice of teaching yoga. Practice Hatha Yoga and a modified form of Raja Yoga, merging the traditional art of yoga with a modern heart-based meditative approach. Work towards one-pointedness and learn to retain this quality in every field of action during the day. With tools of collective intelligence, the team creates a safe and supportive space allowing for deep transformation during your journey through Yoga.

Heartfulness Yoga School is Registered RYS200 Yoga Alliance


  • A genuine interest in learning about Yoga and Yoga philosophy.
  • A passion to serve others and share the benefits of Yoga.
  • 18 years of age.

Learning Outcomes:

Skills and Knowledge, outcomes of the Program


  • Soft skills- self-awareness, creativity, empathy, deep learning, discover the ‘heart-space’ and apply yoga principles in life.
  • Teaching skills- teaching yoga, speaking and teaching in front of a large group, creating yoga flows for class, learning to adapt to your audience.


  • Anatomy and physiology.
  • Introduction to the history and philosophy of yoga, ethics of yoga.
  • Meditation techniques and other yogic practices.
  • Principles of teaching applied to yoga.

Who should take this certification?

  • Yoga practitioners who want to become professionals Yoga trainers and continue the path of Yoga as a career.
  • Practitioners eager to have a deeper experience of Yoga.
  • People interested in discovering the full spectrum of Yoga.

Please note: the immersion course is intense, some experience in Yoga is preferable but not absolutely essential prior to this course, provided some fitness level and desire to progress is there.


This certification includes 200 hours of practice and teaching. You need to clear both parts of the training course in order to qualify for certification.

Online: We focus on your knowledge and commitment to the program to be sure you are exploring, practicing and integrating the whole content. A test will be given at the end of each week, to assure full integration of what has been learnt and practiced. Thus ensuring clarity and readiness for continued progression, adding to the current week’s course content. We follow your work and progress, giving extra support to those who are less involved with the practice of Yoga, to help them get back on track again. Personal daily practice is essential to be able to approach and continue onto the second part of the program, i.e. to become a Yoga teacher.

On-site: The 2 weeks of immersion are intense and absolutely require the prior 6 weeks home preparation. During the 2 weeks, we will go deeper into the content and concepts we started online. Soon you will begin your teaching practice, making your first attempts, as you share with your peers. During this time there will be various checkpoints in your teaching, that you must meet or pass . The team will support your learning and help you where needed, making sure that you reach the level required for certification. However, much depends on your preparation- what you read, how often you practice and your spirit.

Yoga Team

Although there is one Lead Trainer designated for each of our programs, Heartfulness Yoga is all about family spirit and teamwork. Marion will be our Lead Trainer in this program. Meet the entire Heartfulness Yoga Team.

Course Content

Our Yoga Teacher Training Course 200hours starts online and ends up with an intense 2-week training in one of our chosen center.

Course Curriculum

    Week-1 Introduction to the world of Yoga

    Week-2 Yogic Anatomy and Physiology

    Week-3 Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita

    Week-4 The 4 paths of Yoga

    Week-5 Yoga and Breathing

    Week-6 From Patanjali to Modern Yogis

    On-Site 2 Weeks

    Week-7 Deeper Practice and Understanding of Yoga

    Week-8 Becoming a Yoga Teacher

Yoga Team (Instructor)
Penelope Baudoin
Duration: 8 week
Language: English
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