Love smoothens the way to the Ultimate Goal.

In reassuring silence and in timely vigilance, the heart speaks.

As human beings, we are all imperfect beings. When two imperfect beings interact, it is natural for there to be friction.

I may light a candle only for myself, but I cannot tell the light of the candle that you should burn only for me.

Anger should not be projected outside, project it towards yourself to change.

Rather than making efforts to balance life, look to integrate.

Love is the most noble food of the soul; it is distilled from day to day and permeates the entire being.

If we get a good guide who pulls out the inner poison then the nectar alone remains.

Infuse every action with all the love in your heart.

Fear is created from the illusion of estrangement, along with ‘I’-ness.

An ignorant person counts the leaves, flowers etc., and eats or may not even eat the fruit, whereas a wise person is interested only in eating the fruit, without paying any attention to these details.

Knowledge is no doubt light, but it is not an end in itself, but is merely a means to an end. We do not light a lamp at night for the sake of the lamp but to do some work by its light, which is the end or aim.

In essence, we are one, rather, the entire creation seems to be one. Conjunction and action have created conditions of difference in its forms.

Those who see attachment in detachment and detachment in attachment are called saints. Such is their liberation.