old men sat on the table in the garden

Love does Conquer

Covid-19 has pushed us into the four walls of our own home. Festivities and events have either been postponed or are carried out privately with limited guests. While technology has helped us come closer to share the joy virtually, it is equally painful that it doesn’t give us the opportunity to pay our final respects when our dear ones depart.…… Read More.

man tries to stop overthinking by doing heartfulness meditation


Once I fell sick with a severe headache and naturally, I referred to the Google ‘doctor’ – to my horror all my symptoms pointed to one thing, a brain tumor. Even after multiple check-ups and assurances from doctors declaring that it’s only a sinus problem, my anxiety didn’t go away. I wondered why my mind loved to get carried away…… Read More.

woman doing heartfulness yoga at the river side

Bridging the Gap with Yoga

I have been in education for over fifteen years, mostly working with teenagers. Teenage years are synonymous with peer pressure, complicated further with identity crises; added to that is the pressure to study and perform well, technological distractions and parental expectations. This is also the time when parents start experiencing unfamiliar distancing from their growing child. Suddenly, the warmth and…… Read More.

fat man is meditating to lose weight

Discover how Meditation Helps with Weight Loss

Over time, the unwholesome and unnatural body images promoted generally and longed for by many has led to many problematic issues including low self-esteem and body shaming by others; and social media has compounded this crisis with many people suffering from mental issues owing to their body shape. Obesity affects the person not only from the outside but also harms…… Read More.