As 2023 draws to a close, DAAJI invites you to take stock of the gifts the year has brought, and treat yourself to a simple gratitude practice to end the year.
Dear friends,
Over this past year, we have explored various exercises to improve our lives and to heal what needs to be healed. We’ve covered topics like meditation, dealing with thoughts, mental and physical well-being, anger and stress detox, imagining and setting intentions for personal change, being in the present, and acceptance.
At year end, it’s time to take stock and feel gratitude for the gifts given and received. This exercise can point the way for our future to become better and better human beings.
Keeping a journal is one effective way to take stock. You can look back and see how you have changed over the year. I heartily recommend it.
There is so much to write about: your aspirations, observations of how you feel, narrating difficult situations. In the latter, you may find that getting the thoughts and feelings on paper allows your heart to come to acceptance and a way forward.
On a spiritual path, keeping a daily journal of what you feel during your practice, any changes in your behavior, and insights is a way to look back and see how far you’ve come. The changes can be subtle, or seemingly instant, but journal writing encourages interest, which in turn designs your destiny.
At year end, it’s time to take stock
and feel gratitude for the gifts given and received.
This exercise can point the way
for our future to become better and better human beings.
The gratitude list
Another way to take stock is to note the things for which you are grateful. It is an inspiring and heart-opening exercise, giving perspective and hope. Also, take the time to reflect on any changes you have noticed during the past months. It can chart your future with more positivity.
- Start by writing down 5 things for which you are grateful. If you discover more than 5, keep writing. They could be very small things, like a special smile from someone, a piece of music, or bigger life-changing happenings
- What touched you the most during this past year? It could be either a happy occasion or a sad occasion. What have you learned from it?
- What brought you the most joy?
- Imagine your next year. What changes would you like to make? Keep it simple. And then set the intentions that will help you to realize your dreams.
I wish you all the best in your onward journey,

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More