

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an innovator and researcher, equally at home in the fields of spirituality and science, blending the two into transcendental research on the evolution of consciousness, and expanding our understanding of the purpose of human existence to a new level.

december 01,2024
DAAJI introduces the first principle of how to develop the habit of a regular meditation practice and what is important in preparation. He ties this in with the natural circadian rhythms of daily life...
december 2024
december 01,2024
DAAJI introduces the second universal principle—the science of filling the heart with love through prayer, the connecting link that unites everything in this universe.Around the time Babuji was compil...
december 2024
december 01,2024
DAAJI introduces the third universal principle of goal-setting by connecting with our life’s ultimate purpose.In his much celebrated book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey presen...
december 2024
december 01,2024
DAAJI introduces the fourth universal principle—to live simply to be identical with Nature. Currently, the crises humanity is facing are forcing us to recalibrate our lifestyle, and for many of us tha...
december 2024
december 01,2024
DAAJI introduces the sixth universal principle—to know everyone as brethren and treat them as such. As a starting point, this sixth principle helps us to overcome prejudice, and develop mutual love an...
december 2024
december 01,2024
DAAJI introduces the seventh universal principle, which is to let go of revenge, resentment, and retaliation for any wrongs done and instead develop the art of gratitude, which includes both being gra...
december 2024