Though most people these days are aware of the immense benefits and feeling of connectedness that result from a regular meditation practice, it is also easy to find excuses to avoid it: I’m too tired, I can always meditate tomorrow, I have no time, I woke up late, etc.
A common reason to shy away from meditation is the feeling that “I’m not good at it.” We may have a preconception of a “good” meditator as someone who plunges deep into the peacefulness of their inner being every moment, who lives a life of instant acceptance and harmony, and who is untroubled by the ups and downs of daily life. The reality is that we are all living a life of change and growth, striving to become better and better, and the inner journey itself is full of changes.
In Heartfulness, we meditate upon the Source of Light within our hearts. There is no need to see the light, as it is “light without luminosity.” We simply make a very subtle suggestion that it is there, and it is attracting us from within. That thought is just the springboard to experience, as we allow ourselves to explore the inner universe with the expansion of our consciousness.
Here are four easy micro-habits that can help you make Heartfulness Meditation a part of your daily routine. Build it into your day, like brushing your teeth, drinking water, working out, and studying, so that it becomes embedded in your daily rhythm.
1. Sit at the same time every day
Regularity makes meditation easy. Just like your body adjusts to waking up at the same time each morning, meditating at the same time becomes a habit. The stillness of early morning, at the meeting point of night and day, is especially conducive to meditation, but regularity is critical, no matter what time you choose.
2. Sit in the same place
Choose a special place where you can meditate without being distracted. It could be a special chair or a place on the floor. Sitting in that same spot every day creates an atmosphere of meditation, and when you sit there you will more easily slip into meditation.
3. Sit in the same posture
Find a comfortable position so your body is not disturbed. Best is with your back upright but not rigid, and either cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet crossed.
4. No distractions
Turn off your phone and other devices so that you are not distracted. You have everything you need within you to meditate.
You can listen to the guided Heartfulness Meditation at, find it on the Heartfulness app, or read and follow the instructions below.
Heartulness Meditation
Sit comfortably. Gently close your eyes and relax.
If needed, take a couple of minutes to relax your body by doing the Heartfulness Relaxation.
Turn your attention inward and take a moment to observe yourself.
Then, suppose that the source of light is already present within your heart, and it is attracting you from within.
Gently relax into that feeling. If you find your awareness drifting to other thoughts, do not fight them. Treat them like passing clouds in the sky. Let them be, while simply reminding yourself that you are meditating on the source of light in your heart.
Allow yourself to dive deeper, going beyond thoughts to feelings, becoming more and more centered within.
Remain in this silence for as long as you want, until you feel ready to come out of meditation.
Meditation is much more effective once you have been introduced to the Heartfulness practices by a certified trainer. You can find and contact a trainer near you at
All the best,

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More