future thinking – the new human era

MEGHANA ANAND and ELIZABETH DENLEY look at what we can learn from our ancients and ask question about what the future holds for the human race.

That time flies is an understatement. Just to make it more interesting, how about trying some time travel? Do we hear you asking how? Well thought can travel through time in no time. Think of an incident that happened a week ago and you are there. So now, close your eyes and imagine the year 2050. What do you see? Move further forward in time to 3900 AD. How does life on Earth appear in the 40th century? Are you able to conceive of anything? Perhaps, moving back in time will help.

Coming back to the present moment, now move into the past. How far can you trace back human life on Earth? It seems easier to imagine the human race of the past than to conceive of an unknown future, isn’t it? Well, maybe the key to our future lies in tracing our ancients.

The study of the origins of the human race is quite fascinating. Most of our present understanding about this subject is based on various theories of evolution and the study of ancient civilizations. The other important field of research that holds answers to our origins is genetics. Today, genetics and epigenetics are drawing the attention of both material scientists and spiritual scientists alike: the study of our human DNA.

Most theories of evolution endorse the process of natural selection, which is based on changes at the genetic level known as mutation. The physical and behavioral changes in any species have long been attributed to changes in the structure of their DNA. According to Briana Pobiner, an anthropologist who specializes in the study of human origins at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, “Mutations are basically the raw material on which evolution acts.”

But does everything really happen from the physical level? The more recent findings of epigenetics give us an insight, a doorway into the process that leads to genetic mutation, and that process does not start at the physical level so often as at the level of our subtle bodies. Epigeneticists have shown that environment, including the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of parents and everyone else in the surrounding environment affect our genetic make up How? Take, for example, the development of a fetus. Environmental factors lead to significant physiological changes, as is documented by Dr Bruce Lipton in his book, The Biology of Belief. So we have a fixed pattern of genetics and an overlaying flexible pattern of epigenetics. And it is this flexible pattern that provides a mechanism for our subtle bodies to eventually influence the genetics of our physical body. Mutations are not in fact random events; our future genetic destiny is strongly affected by our thoughts and feelings.


Mutations are not in fact random events;
our future genetic destiny is strongly affected 
by our thoughts and feelings.


Then add to this the findings of research in the fields of metaphysics, quantum science and broader genetics, for example the work done by Russian geneticists on the spectrum of DNA found in the human body known as ‘junk’ DNA. These are even more intriguing. What if human DNA was originally made up of 12 strands instead of the 2 that exist today? Our ancestors may have been giants, not only physically but also in terms of awakened consciousness. There is a school of thought that says they walked the planet in realization and awareness of their light and origin during a time period that existed well before the ancient civilizations of India, Mesopotamia and Egypt.

These possible 12 helixes of original DNA have also been associated with 12 chakras of yogic science. The three lower chakras – mooladhar, mooladhar, swadhisthan and manipur – are active in the animal kingdom, but human beings have the possibility of awakening and developing the higher chakras from the heart upwards.

According to Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur, above the three lower chakras are 13 more – 5 associated with the heart chakra, and 8 more associated with the cosmic planes and beyond. The awakening of this final 13th higher chakra is the ultimate to which a human being can evolve in terms of consciousness. In other words, it is the pinnacle of human evolution as we know it. The awakening of all the 13 higher chakras is possible in today’s era through Heartfulness Meditation, with the support of Yogic Transmission.

We also know that certain types of meditation have a positive physiological effect on our genetics by supporting the healthy maintenance of the telomeres that cap our chromosomes, and on our epigenetics by alleviating stress and bringing stillness and centeredness. Maybe our doublestranded. DNA will eventually evolve into something more like that of our ancestors, or maybe it will simplify into something completely new. So what are we doing about this? What is our vision for our future humanity? Epigenetics show us that our collective consciousness will influence the result.

After all that time travel, when we return to the present, what is it that we can do? For, as the wise often assert, the past is history, the future a mystery, but the ‘present’, the here and now, is a gift.

Openness is perhaps the answer. While talk of the past, the future, theories of evolution and ancestral beings from other worlds may leave us feeling overwhelmed, openness in the present moment fills us with stability and a sense of purpose. When we act in the present, with an open, balanced state of mind, we create a solid foundation for the future.


When we act in the present,
with an open, balanced state of mind,
we create a solid foundation
for the future.


Meditation on the heart, our center, creates that balance within. It opens our consciousness to dimensions of existence and perceptions that go beyond the five senses. Then that inner condition also radiates into everything we do. The possibilities are infinite. How open are you?





Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur, 1963. Towards Infinity, 1st Edition, Shri Ram Chandra Mission, India.

Lipton, BH, 2008. The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, Hay House, USA.





Elizabeth Denley

Elizabeth Denley

Elizabeth is the founding editor of Heartfulness Magazine. She is Australian, loves meditating, writing, playing and singing music, gardening, thinking, spending time with her two grown up children, and life in general. She has been a st... Read More