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Volume 2

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Destiny & freedom of choice

December 2, 2017

Destiny & freedom of choice

The Evolution of ConsciousnessDAAJI explores the topics of destiny and freedom of choice in the light of expanding consciousness. He shares some tips

The march to freedom - part 1

December 2, 2017

The march to freedom - part 1

The Evolution of Consciousness DAAJI takes us on a journey – the ultimate journey to freedom. In the process he explains why freedom is of such impo

The march to freedom - part 2

December 2, 2017

The march to freedom - part 2

The Evolution of Consciousness DAAJI continues with the ultimate journey to freedom. In this issue he takes us further into a whole new realm of exp

Our three bodies

December 2, 2017

Our three bodies

The Evolution of Consciousness DAAJI describes the three main bodies of a human system, and how spiritual practices are designed to help our conscio