The Evolution of Consciousness
DAAJI continues with the ultimate journey to freedom. In this issue he takes us further into a whole new realm of experience, the road less traveled.
In part 1 we explored the evolution of our consciousness through the chakras of the region of heart – those associated with our physical existence on this Earth. After mastering these five chakras we then move on, expanding our consciousness into the region of mind, also known as the region of the Super-Mind of God. To step into this region, there is one important prerequisite: we first must embody that generosity of heart that emerges as we purify the heart and master the emotions of worldly life.
In this new realm we experience a different level of freedom; we are free from the cycle of birth and death. In other words, we transcend the need for reincarnation, and this is commonly known as liberation. Our consciousness is free to soar in a completely new way, and actually we go beyond consciousness to the potentiality that creates consciousness. The soul has passed through its first great rite of passage on its way back home to the Source.
So let us now continue on our journey and see where it takes us. This new realm of mind is beyond the dualities of everyday physical existence, and yet it is always there behind everything we do in daily life. We continue our journey by entering the Cosmic Region, also known as Brahmanda Mandal and Virat Desh, which starts at chakra 6 between the eyebrows. This is such a vast region that normally thousands of years would not be long enough to traverse it, what to say of its grandeur. Here we feel holiness and piety, and become conscious of every power that is present. ...
Read the complete article in the Collectors' Edition 2017

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More