The Evolution of Consciousness
The journey towards infinite consciousness is vast and full of wonder, as well as ups and downs. DAAJI gives us some tips on how best to be successful on the journey.
A simple process of meditation with Yogic Transmission can help us traverse all levels of consciousness. The terrain along the journey goes up and down, right and left, in all directions. So just as a person who is not used to walking gets tired journeying across such a rugged terrain, a person who is not used to the ups and downs of the superconscious and subconscious states also gets tired and finds it very difficult.
But with the help of Transmission, a person can traverse the various states of consciousness with much more ease. Take for example the heart chakra, which is like a galaxy in itself, with many constellations, including five major ones. The way we move from one to another happens in a most wonderful way. We remain awestruck in disbelief at times while witnessing the inner wonders unfold in front of our heart’s eye. With the help of Transmission we are able to move at lightning speed.
The atmosphere at each point or station varies enormously, just as it would from galaxy to galaxy. And that gives us the temporary experience due to the conditions prevailing at each spiritual station. This constant change can be frustrating for us as we move on the spiritual journey. After all, we like the feeling of steadiness and constant familiarity. But if we are to evolve, if consciousness is to evolve, this change is a must. The idea of remaining comfortable in a particular state will slow down our evolution. ...
Read the complete article in Collectors' edition 2017

Kamlesh Patel is known to many as Daaji. He is the Heartfulness Guide in a tradition of Yoga meditation that is over 100 years old, overseeing 14,000 certified Heartfulness trainers and many volunteers in over 160 countries. He is an inn... Read More