How are Yoga, social responsibility, and social justice interlinked? SANGITA PADMANABHAN and BHUSHAN BHUKTE from the Heartfulness Yoga Academy share some interesting perspectives on how to develop a higher sense of social responsibility and bring about social justice through Yoga. They also share the Peaceful Warrior practice.
By their very nature, Yoga and social responsibility are interlinked. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj meaning “to yoke” or “to unite.” The practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with Universal Consciousness, bringing about perfect harmony between mind and body, human beings and Nature.
Yoga is the art and science of healthy living. It is all about peace, unity, wholeness, and connectedness. It brings about individual growth, which leads to the growth of the society and the community.
How can social injustice ever exist where there is oneness and peace?
Sage Patanjali gave us the eightfold path of Ashtanga Yoga. The first two limbs are Yama and Niyama, those universal ethical principles that are for all times and all humanity. They are the very foundation of yogic practice. The Niyamas tell us what we can do for the good of ourselves and the society, and the Yamas tell us what to avoid, because it would be harmful to ourselves and the society. By following the Yamas and Niyamas we become socially responsible – we lead a lifestyle that is in tune with Nature. That is exactly what humanity and our planet need right now.
“Only remove the hatred and universal love is there.”
— Babuji
Peaceful Warrior practice
Yoga means so much more than our Asana practices on the mat. It permeates all aspects of life. Many of us take up Yoga for its physical benefits, but after practicing for a while we are drawn to the beautiful universal philosophy behind the practices. When we keep our mind in the present, with complete breath and body awareness, these practices induce in us various bhavas, or feelings.
The Warrior Pose, named after the warrior Virabhadra, is said to help us overcome ego and ignorance. When we practice the warrior series, it leads to feelings of strength, focus, humility, reverence, confidence, and courage. Try this practice with us at
I am a peaceful warrior. Peace is my goal. Inner composure is my shield from external disturbances.
My gaze is ever upward, yet my feet are firmly rooted.
My mind and body are aligned and in harmony.
Come what may, I am ready.
Humility is the backbone of my inner peace.
Rooted in reverence and eternally grateful.
I am a peaceful warrior, my mind at ease, my heart at peace.
Try to carry the focus, awareness, and the feeling of peace you generate during this practice with you throughout all your daily activities. It is only then that the real magic of Yoga begins to work, and the goodness of your heart will be reflected in all your actions.

Bhushan Bhukte & Sangeeta Padmanabhan