Six years ago, A. PADMAJI found herself confronting a frightening health diagnosis. Today she is in remission, and here shares her journey and her gratitude for the role allopathic and complementary medicine and Heartfulness played in her recovery. This uplifting story is a testament to her faith.
On February 7, 2017, at 55 years of age, I was diagnosed with stage three bilateral breast cancer. Chemotherapy started immediately, and then a double mastectomy was done, with chemotherapy continuing after surgery. A total of 17 cycles were given, followed by medication and radiotherapy. During the treatment, I developed severe vomiting, loose motions, hair loss, weakness, hand-foot syndrome (hands and feet were black and dried), and I had drainage on both sides for nearly four months as a complication of the surgery. Due to weak immunity, I developed tuberculosis in the liver, and was kept on anti-tuberculosis medication for eleven months.
I also took herbal medicines for six months, and my husband gave me vegetable juice daily, early in the morning. All my family members supported me with their love and affection.
Then, on October, 2022, I had a PET scan and other blood tests. All the reports came back normal.
I had come out of my turmoil successfully because of Heartfulness and the continuous communications and blessings of Daaji during each and every stage of my recovery. A Heartfulness trainer gave me sessions daily, using the Heartfulness Cleaning technique, which has done wonders in my life. Heartfulness Meditation improved my willpower, confidence, and positive thoughts, which in turn led me to come out of my problem successfully.
Daaji’s guidance and support were marvelous throughout these difficult times, both regarding my spiritual practice, as well as his team’s referrals to specialist allopathic doctors and naturopaths in the field. The doctors and Heartfulness trainers worked together, and as a result, I am a living example of how a disease like cancer can be cured.
One night I was feeling very distressed. At 5 a.m. I saw Babuji near the side of my head. He was sitting on a chair cross-legged, continuously looking at my chest for quite some time. Throughout the following day, and for many more days, even till now, I remember that blissful movement with tears.
After my cancer was cured, I received an invitation to meet the Honorable President of India on November 7, 2022, to receive a national Florence Nightingale Award for nursing. I have no words to express my love and gratitude.
Illustration by LAKSHMI GADDAM

A. Padmaji
Dr. Padmaji is a retired Professor of Nursing, with a Ph.D. in Public Health and a Master's in Psychology. She has written five textbooks and over 60 research articles, and in 2020 received the Leading Educationalist of India Award, the ... Read More