ALICE RUSSO shares her journey of letting her heart guide her life.

I have made the awesome realization of having reached a place where it is no longer primarily my mind influencing me, but my heart influencing my mind. And this seems to be the safest, most secure way of life. For a long time I have understood that the mind needs to be surrendered to the spirit, and it has always been my intention as a woman of faith. But I suppose the subconscious mind was still preventing that friendship, mergence, oneness of mind and heart, practically and experientially. It was always a ‘coming back’ to the truth of grace with effort, rather than something automatic or abiding.

My life experiences have repeatedly brought me to the edge of a physical sense of safety and well-being, with no choice but to take a leap of faith in being upheld by the Invisible. Time after time I have found myself to be completely supported, aided, and provided for. These challenges have exercised and strengthened my belief, and proven the complete reliability of our Source. I had always been brought back to a sense of solid ground under my feet for stretches of rest. I now feel as though I am safely established in a life of faith alone, living willingly and happily with a moment-to-moment dependence on the Invisible.

There is no worldly sense of security
that tops a life governed by the heart.

The mind needs to know the truth that is contained within the heart, but there is often a disconnect because the old, unconscious, habitual patterns of the mind keep us separated and limited. We see a certain experience and we auto-react and define it as trouble, so we take action to try to rectify the problem. We end up in a life of struggle, continuously striving to putting out fires, rather than resting in the understanding that we can just walk right through them untouched.

There is no problem; there is only something the mind is defining as a problem.

This is where the uninhibited heart will leap out and adjust that auto-thought if the heart has the dominant role.

The heart has always been there, ready and waiting. It’s the clutter, the dross, and the unconscious, subconscious patterns and impressions that block our liberation. Although I have been a dedicated seeker for many years, it is without doubt the help of Transmission in the Heartfulness way that is clearing the path to my heart, allowing that mindheart connection. There is nothing in the world more important that this. There is no worldly sense of security that tops a life governed by the heart.

Article by ALICE RUSSO


Alice Russo

Alice Russo