Stage I

Come to Dandasana.

Open the legs and stretch them as far apart as possible without bending your knees. Try to bring both legs to approx. a 90-degree angle.

Breath in and raise your arms up.

Breathe out, bend forward and place the palms on to the ground.

Bend your body forward as far as possible and try to touch your forehead on the ground.

Feel the stretch at the inner part of the thighs.

Maintain the posture with gentle, long and deep breaths, in and out six times.

Breathe in, slowly come up.

Stage II

Breathe out and bend towards your left side, forehead touching your knee, palms holding the toes.

Feel the stretch at the inner part of the thighs.

Maintain the posture with gentle, long and deep breaths, in and out six times.

Breathe in, slowly come up.

Breathe out and bend towards your right side, forehead touching your knees, palms holding the toes.

Feel the stretch at the inner part of the thighs.

Maintain the posture with gentle, long and deep breaths, in and out six times.

Breathe in, slowly come up.

Breathe out and release arms sideways.

Stage III

Sit in Dandasana.

Breathe in and stretch both your arms up above your head.

Breathe out, and retaining the stretch bend forward from the hips, with the head and trunk as far forward as possible, reaching for your toes.

Keep your head between your shoulders and feel the stretch of the spinal column.

Try to bring the chest as close to the thighs as possible.

Bring the forehead down and try to rest the forehead on the knees. Keep the knees straight and hold the feet together.

Relax the back muscles, hold and stay in the position with gentle, long and deep breaths, in and out six times.

Breathe in and stretch the arms up.

Breathe out, bring the arms down; release the posture and relax in Sithila Dandasana.

Pachimottanasana stretches the whole spinal column, tones the spinal muscles and the associated nerves.
The asana stretches the back of the whole body, from the heels to the top of the spine.
Improves the efficiency of the spinal nerves.
Loosens the hip joints.
Tones and massages the abdominal organs – the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands.
Helps to remove excess fat deposit from the abdominal region and thighs.
Helpful for digestive disorders. Strengthens the digestive organs and tract.
Regulates the functions of the pancreas which controls carbohydrate metabolism and blood sugar levels. Thus, it helps to cure diabetes.
Reproductive organs are toned.
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