CHRISTIAN MACKETANZ offers us an insight into how an artist creates a peaceful work of art, and how true peace goes beyond that possibility.
The instruments of art are opposites, dualities, and complementarities. Light versus darkness, color complementarities, etc. We perceive visually through opposites, and the artist plays with these ingredients.
If we perceive any artwork as harmonious or peaceful, it is due to the interaction and ultimately the balance of the dual concepts.
Experiencing peace and harmony does not mean that everything runs smoothly and without challenge or friction. Peace and harmony mean recognizing, accepting, and integrating diversity and opposites. It is a momentary, balanced state of consciousness that we can experience, appreciate and actively create within ourselves through meditation. Then the outer world may begin to reflect peace and harmony, and our ability to see the beauty in everything is the beginning.
For true peace—inner peace—we transcend and go beyond duality into the inexpressible state of being, where its natural expression is only love.

Life-concert shows Buddha, Jesus, and Lord Krishna with Mirabai in concert.
Painted in Dusseldorf, Germany, in 2024.

First Mystery shows an image of Saint Therese of Lisieux, with cosmic elements
of destruction, creation, and beauty, including a hint to Lord Krishna—
the arrow and Krishna wheel. Saint Therese suffered physically a lot,
but was a personification of love.
Painted in Dresden, Germany, in 2015.
For true peace—inner peace—we
transcend and go beyond duality into
the inexpressible state of being, where
its natural expression is only love.

Saraswati or 5 meters is a westernized image of the river-goddess Saraswati,
who represents many things like education, science, art, speech and words.
In the Rig Veda, she is the mother of the Vedas. She is generally associated with
the river of life, and symbolizes great wisdom and the creation of the universe.
Painted in Dresden, Germany, in 2020.

Christian Macketanz