SARA BUBBER tells us a lovely traditional Punjabi folktale in her own words about the generosity and hard work of a little sparrow. This is followed by two creative activities to start the year. Enjoy!
Once upon a time there was a little sparrow. She decided to sow some grain on a field. She asked her friend, the crow, to help her prepare the field. The field needed to be watered and moist. The crow told her to go ahead and he would be on his way! The sparrow waited and waited but the crow didn’t come, so she began to water the field.
A few days later, it was time to create patches to sow the seeds. She bumped into her friend crow again and asked if he could help her. The crow told her to go to the field and he would be on his way. The sparrow began to sow the seeds and the crow never joined. Days flew by and the seeds started sprouting. They needed care and attention. The sparrow knew it was time to protect them using some natural sprays and watering them. She needed help and she couldn’t do it on her own. Once again, she approached crow, who was lazing around on the tree. The crow said he would be delighted to help her and would follow soon.

Sparrow went ahead and started the work on the field. Crow never joined. Tirelessly, the sparrow worked on her field and protected her crop by catching insects and looked after it well and saw them flourish into crop rich plants.
The crow flew by and told the sparrow she had done a wonderful job and if she needed help, he would be there. The sparrow told him she needed help to harvest the crop. The crow promised he would be there for his friend. The sparrow started to harvest the land and there was no sign of the crow. The sparrow collected the harvested grain in the bag and kept it ready. The crow swooped down and flew off with the grain leaving the sparrow with straw and husks.
A few days later, there was a great storm. The crow tried to hide in the bag of grain, but could not keep dry. On the other hand, the sparrow had built a home for herself using straw and husks and she was dry!

Did you know?
January 5 is known as National Birds Day in India after Dr. Salim Ali. Salim Ali is called the Bird Man of India. As a young boy, Salim Ali was gifted an air gun in pre-independent times. Trying it out in fun, he shot a bird that he had never seen. It had a yellow streak on its neck. He took it to the Bombay Natural History Museum where he learned it was a yellow throated sparrow. His interest in birds began from there and he became the most renowned name in the field of ornithology in India.

The case of house sparrows
House sparrows have been common in urban areas. Disappearing trees and development has led to the decline of house sparrows across the world. Sparrows play a role in dispersing seeds and eating insects and worms. They are ecosystem buddies!
Activity 1: Color the Sparrow
There are many types of sparrows in the world, so you can color any sparrow you know of. If you have never seen a sparrow, try to imagine how it might be and fill the colors of your choice.
The next time you go out, keep your eyes open; who knows you may find a sparrow who needs your help!

Activity 2: Observing Nature
Go outside and take pictures or make drawings of flowers, birds, plants, or animals that you find interesting. You can share the images you make.
Don’t forget to share your name, age, and where you are from.

Sara Bubber
Sara is a storyteller, Montessori consultant, and a children’s book author. She is also a naturalist, doing her doctoral work in eco-consciousness in childhood. She has been practicing Heartfulness for eight y... Read More