Vanessa Patel, Amruta Patel & Ananya Patel
Vanessa Patel: Vanessa is a Heartfulness practitioner, a Heartful Communication facilitator, and an editor of Heartfulness Magazine. She lives in Baroda, India, where she has worked with schools and educators to bring dynamic English language programs to children of all ages.
Amruta Patel: Amruta lives in London and works for the UK Ministry of Justice. She is a facilitator
for Heartful Communication and a yoga practitioner, and spends her free time on long walks exploring London with
friends. She is an avid reader of mysteries, as well as literature on public health and
Greek mythology.
Ananya Patel: Ananya is a designer and illustrator who enjoys finding dynamic ways to tell stories. She works on projects with social impact, and runs a youth collective bringing innovative design approaches to climate action and gender equality.
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