Ruby Carmen
Ruby is a Heartfulness trainer, tutor, mentor, and sometimes writer. She has an M.Ed. in Education and Psychology from the University of Cambridge, and has worked in community and mental health. She is passionate about volunteering, service, meditation, languages, and finding beauty in the world around her.
august 01,2023
RUBY CARMEN explores the often repressed emotion of grief, and shares some ways we can accept it, value the meaning behind it, and integrate it into our being as an expression of love.“Grief, I’ve lea...
august 2023
august 04,2021
How communication changes lives
“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded.
It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own
august 2021
june 29,2020
All around the world, we are in lockdown in a bid to slow down the spread
of the COVID-19 virus. And we are coming to terms with this collective
experience. Here, RUBY CARMEN shares
june 2020
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