Aditi Saxena
Aditi is from Pune in Maharashtra, India. She credits her mother and spiritual Master as her biggest influences in shaping her character. Aditi is a senior consultant for Infosys Technologies, and is also an athlete, representing her country as a Black belt, Dan 1, in Taekwondo and at the state level in other sports. She is a trained Hindustani classical singer and sitar player, and her band performs in and around Pune. She is also a Heartfulness trainer.
march 16,2022
is a Heartfulness practitioner and trainer. Here, she describes how a
spontaneous backpacking trip during the pandemic both fulfilled her craving
for communit...
march 2022
november 01,2020
ADITI SAXENA holds a black belt in Taekwondo. She explains the beauty of this art form, and how it has given her the discipline, refinement of consciousness and moral fiber to live a life of purpose,...
november 2020
february 26,2016
ADITI SAXENA considers the importance of teachers and role models in how we create our destiny and personality.Have you ever wondered how we grow as personalities? How does our value system build, ult...
february 2016
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