THÉOPHILE L’ANCIEN shares some practical wisdom about prayer.

Théophile the Younger

Greetings! Can we continue with understanding the practices I need to do for my own evolution? I think now I realize the importance of meditation and transmission. Is there anything else that will help me on my inner journey?

Théophile the Elder

Many times we remain at the surface of the heart in meditation, although the suggestion is for us to dive deep to the Source of Light that emanates from the Center. So I invite you to try a ‘heart-of-the-heart’ intensive practice, on the sublime love emanating from the Center of your being.

Théophile the Younger

Am I capable of this?

Théophile the Elder

Yes of course. During the introductory meditation sessions, you directly connect with that Source of Light, as the Guide’s heart is used as an energy transformer so that the power of transmission is modulated and adapted to your capacity.

Théophile the Younger

Do you mean that we receive 220 volts instead of 10,000?

Théophile the Elder

That is actually quite a fair analogy. Our capacity then gradually increases with practice. Help is also there in the form of prayer, which is at once both powerful and subtle. It is a very important tool on your journey of self-discovery. It is a tool of high efficacy.

Théophile the Younger

I am not very attracted by prayer, as I have the feeling that it is like begging. You have often told me that the soul chooses its destiny before coming to Earth, and we just have to follow it. So what use do we have for prayer?

Théophile the Elder

That is right, but do we really let ourselves be guided? Genuine prayer connects us to the Source or the Center. The words that come are inspired. They emanate from higher planes and carry those vibrations. They can directly connect us to the Center.

The prayer picked me up.
Multiple dimensions opened up in me.
I had the feeling of switching to superluminal speed.
The rest is indescribable.

Théophile the Younger

The prayer would then be like a switch, in a way, on/off. Interesting!

Would you mind helping me experience prayer?

Théophile the Elder

If you like. Please begin by closing your eyes, relaxing, and getting into a meditative state. Try to listen to the prayer resonate within your heart.

Théophile the Younger, full of confidence, dives into his heart and is immediately overwhelmed by the Light. Theophile the Elder whispers a very beautiful prayer to him.

What do you feel?

Théophile the Younger

The prayer picked me up. Multiple dimensions opened up in me. I had the feeling of switching to superluminal speed. The rest is indescribable.

Théophile the Elder

We are going to explore a number of levels of this prayer.

Théophile the Elder gives the instructions one by one, leaving a long time between each. His peaceful and assured voice alternates with deep silences.

First say the words of this prayer out loud so that it can fill the whole room.

The young man speaks. Then they sit in silence.

Pray again, this time fervently, so that the words make their way to the heavens.

Again the young man speaks, followed by silence.

Now, say it within yourself. Let it fill your whole inner space.


Say the prayer inside your heart, and let it resonate into its depths.


Now, let your heart recite it.


And now, let it be there without any words. Feel only the vibration of the prayer remaining.


Now, erase even this vibration. You are connected to the essence of the prayer.

Erase this essence. You are now in the silence of your Center.

For a very long time
the two friends remained in this prayerful state,
created by the prayer of the heart.

