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June 2, 2016
Being grateful
VICTOR KANNAN shares some thoughts on being grateful, and the health benefits of this wonderful attitude, calling it an elite quality.To be grateful i

June 2, 2016
A prayer for their survival
Photo essay by RAJESH MENON from the national parks of India. I was born in the land of elephants, Kerala. Not a festival goes by without the elep

June 2, 2016
The most important thing you can do for yourself
KYLE CEASE recently did an experiment on himself. The results are inspiring as he shares his insight into this wonderful process of self-discov

June 2, 2016
A child at the core
SHRUTI PANDEY discovers the joys and responsibilities of new parenthood, and sees the opportunities for her own growth. Three years back, I could h

June 2, 2016
The ice cube and the ocean
GOPI KALLAYIL explores the purpose of yoga, and how it can help us in today’s busy world. The purpose of yoga is contained in the meaning of the word

June 2, 2016
The treasure that belongs to each of us
For CONNIE GROGAN, Heartfulness and Christianity are compatible. She shares something of her own journey exploring the treasure we call the heart. I