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Issue 11

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Haina and M’baye the lion

August 31, 2016

Haina and M’baye the lion

Ages ago, in the Kalahari Desert, the San people and the animals talked and lived together. M’baye was a lone lion who lived a quiet life in the s

Silence and soundscapes

August 31, 2016

Silence and soundscapes

Here are two beautiful quotes from GORDON HEMPTON and BERNIE KRAUSS about the quietness of the natural world.I grew up thinking that I was a listener,

August 31, 2016

Zero interference

Seaweed embedded on the beach of a North Sea island after a heavy storm. Uprooted from the ocean, washed onto the shore, dried in

Consciousness is 95% of the game

August 31, 2016

Consciousness is 95% of the game

In conversation with CHIRAG KULKARNI. Q: What do you do for your work? CK: I help companies with marketing – content marketing, PR, social media,

Connect with your center

August 31, 2016

Connect with your center

THÉOPHILE L’ANCIEN shares some practical wisdom about prayer. Théophile the Younger Greetings! Can we continue with understanding the practices I nee

The next revolution

August 31, 2016

The next revolution

In conversation with DR PARTHA NANDI. Q: Tell us about your work. PN: I have been a practicing physician for almost twenty years now. I also have