In this series, RAVI VENKATESAN has shared tips on how to fine tune our “inner state” to become Heartful Innovators. He has also addressed ways to overcome barriers to innovation like stress and fear, discussed enablers of innovation, like imagination and courage, and described how we can articulate ideas and influence others effectively. In this final article of the series, he summarizes the 10 key ideas introduced in this series, so that we can use them as a toolkit to innovate. You can refer back to the earlier articles for more details on each of these.
The Heartful Innovator – part 10

Ravi Venkatesan
Ravi lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Cantaloupe. He is also a regular public speaker and public speaking coach. He has been a Heartfulness meditator for over 20 years and is passionate about app... Read More