
The Phenomenon Of Connection

Ruby J. Carmen

In the present moment in time, it can feel as if we are spinning in the chaos of rapid change, change in terms of economics, socio-political, and technological change. The advances in technology feel the most tangible, as we connect and re-connect again through, with our devices, our iPads, laptops, smart phones – always ‘switched on’, or are we really? How can we connect firstly with our own selves and with all of our fellow human beings?

It is said that Yoga is the way of love. There are many forms of Yoga; it is not restricted to postures and a form of exercise alone. The ancient practice of Yoga has so many insights for us in the modern day world. Raja Yoga or meditation is one path, which offers the chance to re-connect with the inner self. In a world of conflict, sensory overload, Facebook and fake news, it feels necessary to set aside time to just ‘be’. Could meditation be a possible answer to create a sense of inner peace, of stillness, to tap into our intuition and wisdom?

But, how can we ‘be’ in the present moment? Our attention is being pushed and pulled constantly by the flurries of emails, phone notifications and updates, heavy workloads and financial uncertainties. Do we need to connect in a deeper, more profound way?

If we are able to connect with our own self, then we are better able to connect with all around us, our families, friends, strangers and neighbours, and in remembering our own humanity, we remember the humanity of all.

Through Heartfulness Meditation, a practice with its roots in Raja Yoga, the experience of connection was life changing for me. It can help us to ‘remember’ that interconnectedness of all beings.

As Maulana Rumi says, ‘Where the lips are silent, the heart has a thousand tongues.’ Where will your heart take you? What will your heart tell you today?

Sitting silently connecting with the heart, the essence of our inner being has the potentiality to transform the individual and impact on those around us in subtle but identifiable ways.

On this UN International Day of Yoga, we have a window of opportunity to perhaps experiment with Yoga, with meditation, and see if it can make any difference in our lives. Could meditation make a difference in your life? You will only find out if you try and experience it for yourself.

Today, in this moment, let us remember that we are all connected in our hearts.

