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"I refer to the grand journey as the spiritual anatomy project.
In Sanskrit, the yatra is a sacred journey to the center within, and you, the traveler, are the abhyasi, the one who practices.
No one can force you on the yatra or compel you to meditate, but when you do, the heart sets out to speak to you, and you will learn to master the exceptional ability to listen and muster the courage to abide by the heart’s innate wisdom."
~ Daaji
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Ian A. Baker
PhD, National Geographic ‘Explorer for the Millennium’; author of The Heart of the World and Tibetan Yoga: Principles and Practices.
“Spiritual Anatomy reveals the innermost dimensions of our embodied being, that are simultaneously the sources within our body of insight and joy; the radiance of the fully awakened Heart, in conscious and intimate communion with life’s infinitely unfolding potential.”
Dr. Robert Thurman
Ph.D., Columbia Professor Emeritus and author of Man of Peace: Illustrated Biography of the Dalai Lama of Tibet.
"Daaji’s guidebook to the spiritual science meditative path to the warmhearted way of living wisely and compassionately is a timely gift to us all, utterly charming, and eminently useful. Like his delightful story of the saintly visitor who passes the king’s sending of a full water pot as a test of his worthiness by adding sugar and sending it back well sweetened, he encourages us to relax our stresses and anxieties and look deeply inward to discover our own natural freedom and the miraculous happiness that comes from opening our hearts to the ultimate reality of bliss-void indivisible."
Dr. Clancy Martin
Professor of Philosophy, Novelist, Essayist, and author of memoir with critical enquiry, How Not to Kill Yourself: A Portrait of the Suicidal Mind.
"Daaji is one of the great spiritual leaders of our time. Spiritual Anatomy will not only heal individuals and nurture their flourishing, but can bring a great convalescence to the civilizations of our troubled world."
Dr. Deepak Chopra
author of Quantum Body.
"Spiritual Anatomy is an exceptional book that blends the wisdom of yogic philosophy with practical techniques to unlock your infinite potential."
Dr. Sharon Salzberg
author of Lovingkindness and Real Life.
"Using awareness and meditation as a tool for health, Daaji’s work brings a most valuable heart into the field of healing science. Daaji gifts readers an important resource for traversing personal transformation."
Dr. James R. Doty
Professor of Neurosurgery at Stanford University School of Medicine and bestselling author of Into the Magic Shop.
"The challenge for so many of us is how to achieve our purpose in the face of modern life. Through Spiritual Anatomy, Daaji offers us the path to take our fragmented lives and integrate them to achieve our highest potential. He reminds us also that the path to elevated consciousness is always through the heart."
Dr. Lisa Jane Miller
Professor of Psychology and Education, Columbia University and NY Times bestselling author, The Spiritual Child and The Awakened Brain.
"Daaji offers a profound road map and guide, as Spiritual Anatomy reveals our opportunity to actively engage the chakras in our spiritual journey."
Eddie Stern
MSc, CYT, bestselling author, One Simple Thing, A New Look at the Science of Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life.
"Spiritual Anatomy is a unique and profound book, encapsulating a rare and detailed exploration of the sixteen-chakra system, as well as pointing the way to the ultimate freedom promised in Yoga. Daaji truly inspires the practice of meditation through his clear prose, to pursue an examined life, and discover how knowledge and freedom are to be found within each one of us.”
Tara Stiles
Co-Founder of Strala Yoga and bestselling author of Yoga Cure.
“Spiritual Anatomy goes right to the heart of what we are all seeking. Daaji shows us how to go in and through the body, guiding our energy centers to fulfill our deepest desires for connection, love and purpose, reminding us who we are.”
Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi
New York Times Best Selling Co-author of The Healing Self, Joseph. P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Director, Genetics and Aging Research Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital.
“In “Spiritual Anatomy” Daaji has given us the amazing gift of an easy-to-follow roadmap for connecting with our deepest sense of self, purpose, and spiritual awareness.”
Ian A. Baker
PhD, National Geographic ‘Explorer for the Millennium’; author of The Heart of the World and Tibetan Yoga: Principles and Practices.
“Spiritual Anatomy reveals the innermost dimensions of our embodied being, that are simultaneously the sources within our body of insight and joy; the radiance of the fully awakened Heart, in conscious and intimate communion with life’s infinitely unfolding potential.”
Dr. Robert Thurman
Ph.D., Columbia Professor Emeritus and author of Man of Peace: Illustrated Biography of the Dalai Lama of Tibet.
"Daaji’s guidebook to the spiritual science meditative path to the warmhearted way of living wisely and compassionately is a timely gift to us all, utterly charming, and eminently useful. Like his delightful story of the saintly visitor who passes the king’s sending of a full water pot as a test of his worthiness by adding sugar and sending it back well sweetened, he encourages us to relax our stresses and anxieties and look deeply inward to discover our own natural freedom and the miraculous happiness that comes from opening our hearts to the ultimate reality of bliss-void indivisible."
Dr. Clancy Martin
Professor of Philosophy, Novelist, Essayist, and author of memoir with critical enquiry, How Not to Kill Yourself: A Portrait of the Suicidal Mind.
"Daaji is one of the great spiritual leaders of our time. Spiritual Anatomy will not only heal individuals and nurture their flourishing, but can bring a great convalescence to the civilizations of our troubled world."
Dr. Deepak Chopra
author of Quantum Body.
"Spiritual Anatomy is an exceptional book that blends the wisdom of yogic philosophy with practical techniques to unlock your infinite potential."
Dr. Sharon Salzberg
author of Lovingkindness and Real Life.
"Using awareness and meditation as a tool for health, Daaji’s work brings a most valuable heart into the field of healing science. Daaji gifts readers an important resource for traversing personal transformation."
Dr. James R. Doty
Professor of Neurosurgery at Stanford University School of Medicine and bestselling author of Into the Magic Shop.
"The challenge for so many of us is how to achieve our purpose in the face of modern life. Through Spiritual Anatomy, Daaji offers us the path to take our fragmented lives and integrate them to achieve our highest potential. He reminds us also that the path to elevated consciousness is always through the heart."
Dr. Lisa Jane Miller
Professor of Psychology and Education, Columbia University and NY Times bestselling author, The Spiritual Child and The Awakened Brain.
"Daaji offers a profound road map and guide, as Spiritual Anatomy reveals our opportunity to actively engage the chakras in our spiritual journey."
Eddie Stern
MSc, CYT, bestselling author, One Simple Thing, A New Look at the Science of Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life.
"Spiritual Anatomy is a unique and profound book, encapsulating a rare and detailed exploration of the sixteen-chakra system, as well as pointing the way to the ultimate freedom promised in Yoga. Daaji truly inspires the practice of meditation through his clear prose, to pursue an examined life, and discover how knowledge and freedom are to be found within each one of us.”
Tara Stiles
Co-Founder of Strala Yoga and bestselling author of Yoga Cure.
“Spiritual Anatomy goes right to the heart of what we are all seeking. Daaji shows us how to go in and through the body, guiding our energy centers to fulfill our deepest desires for connection, love and purpose, reminding us who we are.”
Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi
New York Times Best Selling Co-author of The Healing Self, Joseph. P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Director, Genetics and Aging Research Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital.
“In “Spiritual Anatomy” Daaji has given us the amazing gift of an easy-to-follow roadmap for connecting with our deepest sense of self, purpose, and spiritual awareness.”
Ian A. Baker
PhD, National Geographic ‘Explorer for the Millennium’; author of The Heart of the World and Tibetan Yoga: Principles and Practices.
“Spiritual Anatomy reveals the innermost dimensions of our embodied being, that are simultaneously the sources within our body of insight and joy; the radiance of the fully awakened Heart, in conscious and intimate communion with life’s infinitely unfolding potential.”
Dr. Robert Thurman
Ph.D., Columbia Professor Emeritus and author of Man of Peace: Illustrated Biography of the Dalai Lama of Tibet.
"Daaji’s guidebook to the spiritual science meditative path to the warmhearted way of living wisely and compassionately is a timely gift to us all, utterly charming, and eminently useful. Like his delightful story of the saintly visitor who passes the king’s sending of a full water pot as a test of his worthiness by adding sugar and sending it back well sweetened, he encourages us to relax our stresses and anxieties and look deeply inward to discover our own natural freedom and the miraculous happiness that comes from opening our hearts to the ultimate reality of bliss-void indivisible."
Dr. Clancy Martin
Professor of Philosophy, Novelist, Essayist, and author of memoir with critical enquiry, How Not to Kill Yourself: A Portrait of the Suicidal Mind.
"Daaji is one of the great spiritual leaders of our time. Spiritual Anatomy will not only heal individuals and nurture their flourishing, but can bring a great convalescence to the civilizations of our troubled world."
Nurture the spiritual anatomy and understand the profound role of chakras in your well-being.
Cultivate inner stillness as an anchor amidst the chaos of daily life.
Break free from the shackles of conditioning that stifle your inner being.
Explore the realms of expanded consciousness and flow states.
Develop the sensitivity to listen to the heart and follow its infinite wisdom.
Exhibit the behaviors that radiate joy and meaning into your life.
Forge authentic connections to foster understanding, empathy, and mutual growth.
Harness a mindset of appreciation and contentment.
And most importantly, how to achieve these goals by integrating meditation into daily life.
Kamlesh D. Patel, the current Heartfulness Guide, is an original voice in an ancient tradition. Known to many as Daaji, his teachings on Heartfulness Meditation arise from his personal experience while reflecting his deep spirit of inquiry and respect for the world’s great spiritual traditions and scientific advancements. He offers a practical, experiential approach to the evolution of consciousness that is simple, easy to follow, and available to people of all ages and walks of life.
Daaji advocates bridging ancient tradition with modern scientific understanding and has assembled a team of one hundred scientists to research the physiological and genetic effects of meditation and yogic transmission. He believes in approaching spirituality with scientific methodology – a practical approach stemming from his own experience and mastery in the field. As he often says, “You are the experimenter, the experiment, and also its result."
Daaji’s wish is for Heartfulness Meditation to be available to every household around the world.
How meditative practices lead to changes in lifestyle, both personal and in relationships, which lead to greater freedom in designing our destiny.
designingdestiny.comDiscover a special collection of meditations that awaken the depths of human potential and initiate a mystical inner journey.
heartfulnessway.comDaaji offers nine principles to guide you, the reader, to live a life that inspires your children and your loved ones.
thewisdombridge.orgSpiritual Anatomy Book | Cover Release | Daaji with Deepak Chopra | in Kanha Shanti Vanam
Spiritual Anatomy | Introducing the Pioneers | The Catalysts of Change | Find Who?
Becoming Your Authentic Self | Daaji | Bruce Lipton | Science & Spiritual Anatomy | Heartfulness