Simple Heartfulness Practices, in its brevity, offers a glimpse into the profound four principle practices of Heartfulness that are proven to be most effective in helping detoxification of your heart and soul. For a new practitioner, the booklet can be an ideal companion to answer many important questions. For a seasoned practitioner, it is a reminder to inspire on their transformative journey.
Relaxation helps you de-stress and rejuvenate instantly to improve your focus and help you find clarity.
The heart is the center of your universe. With Heartfulness prayer, one can connect with the heart and design their destiny.
Meditation regulates your emotions, helps you become centered and connect with your inner consciousness.
Cleaning helps in getting rid of tension, stress and anxiety to let one live more freely, to have a more harmonious life.
Relaxation helps you de-stress and rejuvenate instantly to improve your focus and help you find clarity.
Meditation regulates your emotions, helps you become centered and connect with your inner consciousness.
Cleaning helps in getting rid of tension, stress and anxiety to let one live more freely, to have a more harmonious life.
The heart is the center of your universe. With Heartfulness prayer, one can connect with the heart and design their destiny.
Anger, an emotional reaction, can destroy our peace while alienating us from our loved ones. Detoxing helps in building more harmonious relationships.
Fear is a crippling emotion that prevents us from growing as an individual to our full potential. Get rid of the fear to build the life you envisioned.
While we live in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, stress can overwhelm us. Leaving stress behind will help us in finding peace.
Begin any time with Heartfulness. Learn to manage your life and your emotions the Heartfulness way. An online series of 3 free meditation masterclasses with Daaji.
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