Outside In

“Meditation brings me in, Yoga brings me out.” At least, that is what I knew at age 10. My parents, who were Christians, were also involved in Transcendental Meditation, Zen, and Buddhism. Both did Yoga and encouraged me to learn. I would go to Yoga class with my Sunday school teacher and learn sun salutations, finally resting in the corpse…… Read More.


Tips for Deep Sleep: Music and Heartfulness Relaxation

Tips for a Deep refreshing Sleep Meditation Good quality sleep is essential for well-being. We spend almost a third of our life sleeping. Despite an adequate environment, many people today suffer from a lack of deep refreshing sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends at least 7 hours of sleep at night. Sleep deprivation has been associated with daytime…… Read More.


The Compassion Revolution: the compassion that was my grandparents

The word compassion takes me back to my childhood days and my grandparents who were the very embodiment of this expression. They had no money and lived a very simple life, but this never stopped them from helping anyone in need irrespective of caste, color or religion that were some of the dividing factors in their village. Their pure-heartedness meant…… Read More.
