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Sravan Banda

Sravan’s expertise is constructed wetlands and wastewater challenges. He is an accredited Green Building Professional through IGBC, and a member of the Society of Wetland Scientists, USA. His interest extends to Indian Traditional Medicine and the medicinal properties of  indigenous plants. He is a Director at BlueDrop Enviro Pvt. Ltd.

july 01,2024
Unveiling the Power of Chyavanprash with AstavargaSRAVAN BANDA presents one of the most common household remedies used throughout India today, Chyavanprash. Although ancient, it is just as popular now...
july 2024
june 01,2024
CELEBRATING WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAYSRAVAN BANDA celebrates World Environment Day, June 5, with some activities we all can do to contribute to the regeneration of our planet, giving us all hope for the f...
june 2024
may 01,2024
SRAVAN BANDA reminds us of the importance of water in a peaceful world. He especially focuses on wetlands, often referred to as the Earth’s kidneys, and asks us to continue the work of World Water Day...
may 2024
march 01,2024
SRAVAN BANDA is a Ph.D. scholar in Biophilia and Wetlands, and Commodore KAMLESH KUMAR is CMD of Hindustan Salts Ltd. Here, they share the history of one of the most important condiments we use in our...
march 2024
november 01,2023
SRAVAN BANDA is an architect with a strong awareness of Nature and its role in building. He shares some thoughts on the importance of indigenous plants and local biodiversity in creating designs and e...
november 2023
september 01,2023
PATH TO A SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLESRAVAN BANDA is an architect with a strong awareness of Nature and its role in building. He shares some basic principles of biophilic design.Biophilia refers to our inna...
september 2023