HomeContributorsDr. Rollin McCraty

Dr. Rollin McCraty

Rollin is a scientist, psychophysiologist, Executive Vice President and Director of Research at HeartMath Institute, member of the Global Coherence Steering committee, and project coordinator of GCI's Global Coherence Monitoring System. He is a professor at Florida Atlantic University.

may 01,2024
DR. ROLLIN MCCRATY shares the science of the synchronicity between the heart and mind and, when they are in sync, how the love that is created can positively connect us to each other and everything in...
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june 10,2023
DR. ROLLIN McCRATY, Director of Research at the HeartMath Institute, gave an online presentation to the Heartfulness international conference, “An Integrative Approach to Health and W...
june 2023
may 08,2023
In December 2022, DR. ROLLIN McCRATY, Director of Research at the Heart Math Institute, gave an online presentation at the international Heartfulness conference, “An Integrative A...
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