HomeContributorsAlanda Greene

Alanda Greene

Alanda Greene lives in the Purcell Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Having a deep connection with nature, she and her husband built their house of stone and timber and a terraced garden, and integrated their life into this rural community. Alanda’s primary focus is the conscious integration of spirit with all aspects of life.
march 31,2023
ALANDA GREENE explores how to bring balance into a polarized world, even the polarized nature of the environment, climate change and politics. It all starts with us as individua...
march 2023
february 15,2023
ALANDA GREENE celebrates the lives of those among us who have had the resilience to discover joy in times of suffering and uncertainty, and gives us a hint of how...
february 2023
november 01,2022
ALANDA GREENE lives in the Purcell Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Having a deep connection with nature, she and her husband built their house of stone and timber and a terraced ...
november 2022
september 09,2022
ALANDA GREENE learns something precious from an interaction between two complete strangers in a grocery store. All it takes is a little care to change the world. For ...
september 2022
september 01,2022
ALANDA GREENE shares her perspective on how we can find our true purpose and vocation in the world, by serving ourselves and our communities. Our world is indeed in dire straits, and we ar...
september 2022
june 29,2022
ALANDA GREENE is a seasoned yogi, who celebrates half a century of yogic practice and how it has benefited her and enriched her life. I cannot say how my life would have been diffe...
june 2022