Category: Articles

Parenting Tips for the Modern-Day Family

As parents, our goal is to raise happy children and at the same time prepare them to be resilient and ready for the outside world. At times this can feel like an uphill task – how can we equip our children to stand on their own feet and face the realities of life, and yet…
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July 22, 2019 0

What If?

What’ and ‘if’ are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What if? What if? What if? -From Letters to Juliet (2010) As humans we’ve all had situations where we wonder, “If I had just…
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July 8, 2019 0

Stress is stressing me out

A friend recently commented that most people living in cities are between one of three things – between jobs, apartments or relationships. This might not be true for everyone, but my experience is that things seem to be unpredictable and in constant flux for most of us. Everyone seems to be grappling for some sense…
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June 21, 2019 0

I Forgot Something

Whenever I say this at home, everyone laughs, especially when I can’t remember what it is that I forgot. My wife jokes, “Tomorrow, you will forget me too!”, and we banter about my various bouts of forgetfulness in the past. Nowadays, it is justified as being natural for my age, however, she often reminds me…
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June 21, 2019 0

Outside In

“Meditation brings me in, Yoga brings me out.” At least, that is what I knew at age 10. My parents, who were Christians, were also involved in Transcendental Meditation, Zen, and Buddhism. Both did Yoga and encouraged me to learn. I would go to Yoga class with my Sunday school teacher and learn sun salutations,…
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June 21, 2019 0

The Phenomenon of Connection

In the present moment in time, it can feel as if we are spinning in the chaos of rapid change, change in terms of economics, socio-political, and technological change. The advances in technology feel the most tangible, as we connect and re-connect again through, with our devices, our iPads, laptops, smart phones – always ‘switched…
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June 13, 2019 0

Life Gets Better and Better

Many of you will have read Stephen Covey’s iconic book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It started a trend and defined a new direction for businesses and self-help platforms, it was simple and easy to understand, and it resonated with the needs of the modern workplace. What was so important about this book?…
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June 13, 2019 0

Tips for Deep Sleep: Music and Heartfulness Relaxation

Tips for a Deep refreshing Sleep Meditation Good quality sleep is essential for well-being. We spend almost a third of our life sleeping. Despite an adequate environment, many people today suffer from a lack of deep refreshing sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends at least 7 hours of sleep at night. Sleep deprivation…
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June 11, 2019 0

90 days of Heartfulness practice

Jim Rohn once said, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” With any opportunity, we get motivated. We get inspired. We are now part of the big motivation wave. The fear of the old habit kicking back in is lurking in the background. This must be overcome. It can be…
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May 22, 2019 0

The Compassion Revolution: the compassion that was my grandparents

The word compassion takes me back to my childhood days and my grandparents who were the very embodiment of this expression. They had no money and lived a very simple life, but this never stopped them from helping anyone in need irrespective of caste, color or religion that were some of the dividing factors in…
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April 15, 2019 0

Heartfulness and its effect

I have been practicing Heartfulness meditation for the last 10 years, and when I look back I realise that it has effected many changes in me over this time. It has given me direction and the strength to get through various challenges in my life. In a nutshell, these are the key attributes of Heartfulness…
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April 2, 2019 0

The three I’s of Compassion

What Exactly is Compassion? ‘Compassion’ is a word often used in matters of spirituality and personal development. It’s a critical concept, both for working toward self-growth and for achieving world peace. However, what would you say is the full meaning of compassion? For me, compassion has three components – the intentions behind our actions, the…
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April 2, 2019 0