Heartfulness Research Centre
Research Scholars & Guides/
Supervisors Registration
The Heartfulness Research Centre (HRC), Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation (SMSF) Recognized by the University of Mysore (UoM) since 2012. Any research undertaken through the foundation will qualify for a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D). All activities pertaining to Research is coordinated by Heartfulness Research Centre, Mysuru.

Once a year applications are invited by HRC for Research Candidates in the Abhyasi Bulletin.
To Apply
Download the application form and after filling in the details post it to HRC Mysuru. Alternatively, the form can also be scanned and emailed to hrc.research@heartfulness.org
Interested in applying for the PhD programme
Download and go through the eligibility criteria given in the attached document. If you qualify, then write to hrc.research@heartfulness.org to confirm that applications to the program are being accepted and then send in your application form.
Eligibility Criteria: (As per UGC regulation)
Interested in applying as a Guide for the PhD programme
Download and go through the eligibility criteria given in the attached document. See if you qualify and apply.
Eligibility Criteria: (As per UGC regulation)
Managing Trustee - Dr. Kamlesh D. Patel view on Research
Introduction to Heartfulness Research Centre:
Dr. Kamlesh D Patel is fondly known as 'Daaji' is an innovator and researcher, blending the inner world of spirituality and the outer world of science. He has done significant research in the field of consciousness and spirituality. Approaching these subjects with scientific methodology – a practical approach that stems from his own experience and mastery in the field. Students and faculty in over 3,000 schools, universities, and colleges are now benefiting from Heartfulness enabled leadership mastery self-development programs. "Dr. Kamlesh D Patel" advocates bridging ancient tradition with modern scientific understanding, and has assembled a team of scientists to research the physiological and genetic effects of meditation and yogic transmission.
Heartfulness Research Centre teaches meditation and contemplative practices. Heartfulness Research funding is intended to provide resources to support foundational experiments on Heartfulness practices. These include, but are not limited to, fundamental studies investigating behavioural, physiological, metabolic, epigenetic and neurobiological responses to the Heartfulness practices, through cross-sectional and longitudinal studies on Heartfulness practitioners compared with appropriate control subjects. Applications are invited from researchers who are interested in applying their expertise in reference to various types of Heartfulness practices and the evolution of consciousness.

“Your heart is your laboratory.
You are the experiment,
you are the experimenter,
and you are the outcome”
- Dr. Kamlesh D. PatelTo register for the Ph.D. program at the Heartfulness Research Centre (HRC) Mysuru, the candidates have to take an internal written exam conducted by HRC. This is followed by an interview with the doctoral committee. The successful candidates take an entrance examination as per the norms of University of Mysore (UoM) in the subject of Philosophy. Minimum of 55% of marks in this entrance exam should be secured to become eligible for provisional PhD registration in University of Mysore (UoM).
Depending upon the date of the PhD entrance exams, the duration of preparation for entrance exam is 3-6 months.
1. To determine the eligibility of candidates opting for the PhD Program.
2. To determine the aptitude for research in Heartfulness & subject of Philosophy.
3. To understand the levels of interest in candidates towards the inter-disciplinary research.
The eligible candidates are required to attend the 5 days’ ‘Orientation Program for Research Aspirants (OPRA)’ at Heartfulness Research Centre (HRC), Mysuru. It is an interactive program that enables candidates to become familiar with each other and the department of Philosophy at HRC Mysuru. Faculty of HRC including PhD guides and savants in the field of Spirituality and research are invited for this program at the HRC campus. Classroom sessions, and an informal interactive session with the savants that guides, motivates and develop enthusiasm for pursuing research activity among the candidates.
Duration: 5 Days
1. To make the candidates acquainted with the Department of Philosophy, University of Mysuru and HRC.
2. To develop research-oriented thinking in the subject of Philosophy.
3. To understand the formalities of the University of Mysore.
4. To promote interdisciplinary research in the field of spirituality.
5. To provide strong foundation for research by giving clarity on topics related to research
All the candidates are encouraged to attend seminars and workshops during their tenure of PhD course. The seminars can be intra/inter departmental or national/international level seminar. Heartfulness Research Centre also conducts seminars and workshops for research aspirants. These seminars and workshops are very helpful to enhance the knowledge.
1. To develop research oriented a mindset.
2. To provide a theoretical base, by reporting the findings that will help to determine the nature of further research.
3. To corroborate own research ideas.
4. To provide insights to develop thesis.
5. To encourage scholars to write and publish papers and articles
Examples: Upanishadic principles, Vedic literature – knowledge and understanding, Heartfulness literature and research topics, Spirituality and management, Bhagavad-Gita Principles, Ancient Treasure of knowledge, etc.
The candidates who clear the University of Mysore (UoM) entrance exam must complete a 16-weeks course work at HRC. During the course work, the candidates attend classroom sessions and are made acquainted with the subject of research and statistics along with Philosophy. Practical guidance is also provided to prepare their own synopsis on their topic of research. The knowledge & experience gained from these sessions help the to learn and become successful in clearing the PhD first year exam (written and oral exam conducted at HRC).
The completion of the course work is mandatory for the candidates, for which they will have to live in the premises of HRC Mysuru. A candidate has to put in a minimum of 75% of attendance. This will be followed by a course work examination conducted by UoM in the campus of HRC.
1. To formally become familiar with the subject of Research and Statistics
2. To help in formulating synopsis of the chosen PhD topic.
3. To prepare the candidates prior to commencing the PhD.
4. To help the candidates enhance their skills and experiences in conducting high quality research.
Duration: Approximately 80 hrs
The candidates are required to publish various research articles/papers as main author/ co-author based on their Research Work in peer reviewed journal/s of repute to be eligible for the submission of the final thesis to the University. Minimum of two research papers are required to be published before appearing for the final PhD examinations. The research papers may or may not be related with the PhD topic but are required to be guided by the respective PhD guides.
A journal is a periodical publication that focuses on a certain discipline. It contains a number of peer-reviewed papers that are generally considered credible and are very good sources to cite from. A conference, on the other hand, is a place where scholars, researchers, professors, and academics gather to discuss research and developments in a certain field. In most academic conferences, people gather to present their newest research while others attend to observe these milestones.
1. To study and understand the contribution of each work related with the candidate’s PhD thesis.
2. To support the research ideas of the PhD aspirants.
3. Identify ways to interpret prior research.
4. To explore a topic that is particularly interesting to a PhD candidate.
5. To provide publishing platform to researchers and scholars from different field.
List of Publication by the Ph. D. scholars
Heartfulness Research Centre – Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, Mysuru
No. 1615, SMSF, Heartfulness Research Centre,
Maidanahalli Cross Road, Hunsur Road,
Opp to Industrial area, Next to Myra school of Business,
Yelwala, Mysuru, Karnataka 571130