The PEARL (Practical Educational Actionable Rejuvenating Lifestyle) Webinar Series, formerly known as the Speaker Series, is an innovative and extremely popular FREE bi-monthly webinar series sponsored by the Heartfulness Institute. It showcases eminent speakers from around the world who share their unique insights and ideas from their personal, professional, and spiritual experiences. Their authenticity and passion for their subjects give the interactive question and answer sessions meaning and substance that have engaged and connected with our global audience on a deep level.
In the past, we have been honoured to present:
- Revered Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, World-Renowned Teacher and Meditation Master in the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions of Tibetan Buddhism
- Dr. B M Hegde, Recipient of the Padma Bhushan Award
- Dr. Ichak Adizes, Recipient of 14 Honorary Doctorates
- Dr. Mickey Mehta, Global Holistic Health Guru and a Corporate Life Coach
- Jim Link, Chief Human Resources Officer, Randstad North America
- Rob Schwartz, Hypnotist who offers Spiritual Guidance Sessions, Past Life Soul Regressions and author of “Your Soul’s Plan” and “Your Soul’s Gift”
- Dr. Steven Hickman, Executive Director of the Non-Profit Center for Mindful Self-Compassion
- Cassie Stockamp, Former President of Athenaeum Foundation
- CEOs from internationally renowned Organizations, Entrepreneurs, Physicians, Professors, Yoginis, Students, Thought Leaders, and many more who have spoken on very timely and relevant topics.
All these webinars are truly unique and offer helpful tips for relaxation and meditation, share meaningful wellness ideas, enhance healthy living and offer creative solutions to life’s problems for our viewers. These webinars also cater to certain SDGs of the UN, like Mental Wellness, Physical Wellbeing, Gender Equality, Environmental Sustainability, Education, and Economic Freedom, Social Justice and Peace (SDG #3, #4, #5, #10, #13, #15, #16,).
Since its inception six years ago, we have reached a viewership of one million. Through this digital platform we aspire to consciously connect many hearts worldwide and create a positive change for a peaceful and loving world.

Our Host
Lakshmi Aravind
Lakshmi is the host of PEARL by Heartfulness – Webinar Series, a Heartfulness Trainer, and Director of the Heartfulness Institute in Canada. She volunteers most of her time in the Heartfulness Institute. She holds a degree in Computer Science Engineering. She is passionate about meditation and enjoys sharing it in corporates, schools, and communities around, by advocating that meditation is a life changing skill and the possibility of being a life saving skill too.
As a Host \ Moderator of the PEARL by Heartfulness, she is friendly, confident, a good listener and enjoys having a conversation with people around the world on creating a positive change. She has been practicing heartfulness meditation for the past 24 years.
“The Kindness and Mental, Emotional and Spiritual connection” – James R. Doty, M.D. Founder and Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University. #WorldKindnessDay #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #Daaji #wellness #kindness #happiness #compassion #CCARE #DrJamesR.Doty #JamesDotyQuotes #Intothemagicshop #webinar #SDG3
The Kindness and Mental, Emotional and Spiritual connection
The world could use a little more kindness, especially with the year we just had. Please join Dr.James Doty, a Neurosurgeon who sparkles with goodwill when he talks about kindness. In this webinar he shares some personal stories of difficulties, his reflections and what really matters to him in the end, he explores the clear evidence that CCARE and other neurological research show about the value of kindness and compassion and some lifestyle techniques that help us become kinder, more altruistic people.
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“WISDOM OF WELLNESS – A 5C Approach Derived from Ancient Wisdom” – Naren Kini, Entrepreneur, Speaker and Director of Heartfulness Institute. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #Daaji #wellness #wisdom #clarity #peace #confidence #ancientwisdom #heart #mindset #spirituality #webinar #SDG3
Wisdom of Wellness
This webinar is based on the “5 C’s of Spirituality” as Daaji would call it. It will help anyone who wants a formula to create a better version of themselves, tap the wisdom of the heart and develop clarity with confidence in their decision- making, and cultivate and expand their consciousness to improve their SpQ.
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Heartful Leaders Series – Session 7 : “Influence Part 1 – Developing Influence in the Workplace” – Balaji Iyer, Technology Executive #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #HeartfulLeadersSeries #GettingResults #Inlfuence #Leadership #Workplace #Trust #SDG3
Developing Influence in the Workplace
In a corporate environment, an influential leader needs to get people to follow a particular direction and produce a specific outcome willingly. We aspire our influence to be transformational. Such influence is the product of trust and relationships one builds by demonstrating core values. In this webinar we will explore examples of transformational leadership and how to emulate them in our lives.
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Heartful Leaders Series – Session 6: “Nurturing Reputation Part 2– Addressing the Past and Healing Reputations” – Dr. Premkishore Shivakumar, Computer Architect and Technical Lead at ARM #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #HeartfulLeadersSeries #GettingResults #Reputation #Leadership #Workplace #Relationship #SDG3
Addressing the Past and Healing Reputations
A leader must have the willingness and ability to look into themselves, either as a process of introspection or as a result of the ability to listen, reflect and act upon feedback from their environment. The growth of a leader can be directly linked to their humility, listening, reflection, thought and action. In this process, he or she may realize that they have caused a negative impact through their thoughts, words or actions and resolve to make some changes going forward. This session will cover the importance of nurturing reputation by reflecting on what we can improve and taking steps in that direction.
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Heartful Leaders Series – Session 5: “Nurturing Reputation Part 1 – Consciously Building and Maintaining Your Reputation” – Dr. Premkishore Shivakumar, a Computer Architect and Technical Lead at ARM #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #HeartfulLeadersSeries #GettingResults #Reputation #Leadership #Workplace #Relationship #SDG3
Consciously Building and Maintaining Your Reputation
Most of us don’t think much about our reputation. This is because we rely mostly on direct relationships or authority to get things done. This works well up to a certain extent, but it does not scale. Sooner or later, in our leadership journey, we arrive at a point where someone will or will not do something based on our reputation if we don’t have a direct relationship with them. This session will cover the importance of reputation and the factors that contribute to it, and how to develop and manage these more consciously.
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“Meet the Young Inventor – Ann Makosinski (Unleash the Inner Creativity and Inventor)” – Ann Makosinski, Inventor, a Global Keynote Speaker, Writer, CEO of Makotronics Enterprises #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #AnnMakosinski #InternationalYouthDay2021 #Youth #Invention #Creativity #YouthEmpowerment #SDG3 #SDG7
Unleash the Inner Creativity and Inventor
On the occasion of #InternationalYouthDay we bring you an insightful webinar with Ann Makosinski, best known for her invention of the Thermoelectric Flashlight in 2013. This candid interview with youth panel moderators from around the world would be inspiring and a delight to watch.
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Heartful Leaders Series – Session 4: “Playing for the Long Term, Part 4: Building Great Relationships” – Ravi Venkatesan CTO at USA Technologies and Public Speaking Coach #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #RaviVenkatesan #HeartfulLeadersSeries #GettingResults #Leadership #Workplace #Relationship #SDG3
Building Great Relationships
This session will cover the importance of nurturing workplace relationships. The value of nurturing trust and relationships and how to succeed in doing this over the long term. He will also provide insights into ways to assess and improve the state of your professional relationships.
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“Overcoming Ordinary Obstacles for Greater Success and Happiness in Life” – Nesha Pai, Author “Overcoming Ordinary Obstacles” #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #NeshaPai #OvercomingObstacles #Adversity #Success #Happiness #SDG3
Overcoming Ordinary Obstacles for Greater Success and Happiness in Life
It is when we face ordinary obstacles that we can change the trajectory of our lives. We can take the everyday obstacles and turn them into purpose and use them for good. To find out more….
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Heartful Leaders Series – Session 3: “Playing for the Long Term, Part 1: Building Trust in the Workplace” – Dr. Hester O’Connor, Clinical Psychologist and Group Psychotherapist #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #HesterO’Connor #HeartfulLeadersSeries #Trust #Workplace #SDG3
Building Trust in the Workplace
Is trust earned or does it come with a job title or rank? What makes us trustworthy? Are there inner qualities reflected in our attitude and speech and in our behaviour towards others? Join a fireside chat on these responses and many more.
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“Yogic Lifestyle as Preparation for Meditation” – Dr. Dilip Sarkar, Chairman of the Center for Integrative Medicine and Yoga, Hampton, Virginia #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #DilipSarkar #Yoga #Lifestyle #SDG3 #IDY2021
Yogic Lifestyle as Preparation for Meditation
Heartfulness meditation is a state of mind, a way of being that enriches self-awareness that we carry with us all the time. We need to prepare our body and breath to enter into the state of meditation. Yogic lifestyle (dinacharya) practices prepare our body and mind for meditation. In this webinar we will demonstrate the dinacharya practices.
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Heartful Leaders Series – Session 2: “Resilience and its Importance for a Heartful Leader” – Dave Grantier, Senior Vice President, Bakkt #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #Resilience #DaveGrantier #HeartfulLeadersSeries #GettingResults #Leadership #Workplace #SDG3
Resilience and its Importance for a Heartful Leader
Today, businesses are encountering record levels of change and disruption – changes that have only been accelerating over the last 12 months due to the pandemic – and their workforce is facing more stress and uncertainty than ever. Developing the characteristic of resilience can be a key for leaders, and their teams, to emerge successfully.
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Heartful Leaders Series – Session 1: “Introduction to the Heartful Leader Framework: Getting Results Through Influence” – Ravi Venkatesan, CTO at USA Technologies #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #RaviVenkatesan #HeartfulLeadersSeries #GettingResults #Leadership #Workplace #SDG3
The Heartful Leader
This 10-session webinar series will provide insights on effective leadership without direct control or authority. We will interview highly successful leaders that have proven track records of navigating this type of change who have not only “been there, done that,” but have also coached other leaders to make this shift.
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“Finding Balance and Wholeness in Life’s Struggles” – Dr. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu, Clinical & Cultural Psychologist, Stanford University #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #StephenMurphyShigematsu #Balance #Wholeness #BalancingStruggles #SDG3
Finding Balance and Wholeness
Who doesn’t have struggles in life? Despite struggles, they also provide a great opportunity for personal and social transformation. Join this webinar with Dr. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu to reflect on who we are and why we are here, and learn some tools and practices (Mindfulness and Heartfulness) to reframe tough times.
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“Decompression: A Human-centered Approach to Leadership That Addresses the New Challenges” – Jim Link, Chief Human Resources Officer, Randstad North America #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #JimLink #HumanCentredApproach #Ranstad #Leadership #Workplace #SDG3 #SDG17
We dig into understanding why a human-centered approach to leadership has never been more important. With a focus on emotional intelligence, Mindfulness and Heartfulness, we will explore why tomorrow’s leaders will need to bring a different set of skills and capabilities to help others along the journey of life
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“Mindfulness with Pranahuti” – Victor Kannan, Financial Executive and a Director, Heartfulness Institute; and Vasco Gaspar, Human Flourishing Facilitator. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #VictorKannan #VascoGaspar #Mindfulness #SDG3 #SDG16
Mindfulness with Pranahuti
In a meeting of mind and heart, let us explore the bridges between Mindfulness and Heartfulness practices. What can we learn from each of them for the benefit of all? How can we integrate what is possible to integrate from each practice? What are the differences and similarities?
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“Wellness + Soulfulness = Heartfulness” – Dr. Mickey Mehta, Global Holistic Health Guru and Corporate Life Coach. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #MickeyMehta #ShapingPeaceTogether #Peaceday #Wellness #SDG3 #SDG16
Wellness + Soulfulness = Heartfulness
Let us explore how Heartfulness integrates wellness and soulfulness and allows us to move into a space of feelings, allowing peace to hold and flourish.
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“Meditation, Where Change Begins: The Use of Contemplative Practices to Promote Peace, Justice and Human Dignity” – Robert Perry, Civil Liberties Attorney. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #RobertPerry #Change #PromotingPeace #Contemplation #SDG3 #SDG16
Meditation: Where Change Begins
This session explores the impetus for change in the human spirit: engaging hearts and minds in the service of tolerance, peace, fairness, and justice. Robert Perry discusses great reformers who incorporated contemplative practice in movements for social justice, including Dag Hammarskjold, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King. We will explore the use of contemplative disciplines to raise consciousness on an individual level, to facilitate reconciliation, and to promote cohesion and unity among communities dedicated to change.
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“Ashtanga Yoga: Principles to Reboot Your Life” – Dr. Elizabeth Denley, Editor-in-Chief, Heartfulness Magazine. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #ElizabethDenley #HeartfulnessMagazine #AshtangaYoga #Reboot #SDG3 #IYD2020 #SDG3
Ashtanga Yoga: Principles to Reboot your Life
Yoga offers us an integrated system of lifestyle tools to support the wellness of body, mind, and spirit. In this webinar, we will learn how to use all 8 limbs of Yoga, culminating in the Oneness we experience with everything in the state of Samadhi through meditation.
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“Managing Anger and Letting Go of It” – Victor Kannan, Financial Executive and a Director, Heartfulness Institute. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #VictorKannan #Anger #ManagingAnger #LettingGo #SDG3
Managing Anger and Letting Go of it
Anger is essential and can motivate change. Usually, it is aimed at others. When the boss is angry the subordinates pay attention. In a love-filled relationship when one is angry the other changes to please. But too much of it is detrimental to life’s smooth functioning. So, how much anger is good? How should we manage anger to be a positive agent of change and not a destructive force?
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“Heartfully Transforming Our Inner and Outer Environment” – Cassie Stockamp, Former President, Athenaeum Foundation; John D. Carter, President and CEO, Gestalt OSD; Janmarie Connor, Small Business Owner. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #CassieStockamp #JohnDCarter #JanmarieConnor #Transformation #TransformingOneself #CelebrateBiodiversity #CelebrateMulticulturalism #SDG3 #SDG13#SDG10
Heartfully Transforming our Inner and Outer Environment
The United Nations designated June 5 as World Environment Day to preserve and enhance the environment for the well-being of people throughout the world but let’s not forget about caring for our inner environment.
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“Pandemic Stress Management Through Chair Yoga” – Alison Granger-Brown, Consultant and Trainer, ACHIEVE Centre for Leadership and Workplace Performance #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #AlisonGrangerBrown #Yoga #ChairYoga #Stress #StressManagement #Pandemic #Covid19 #SDG3 #IDY2020
Pandemic Stress Management Through Chair Yoga
Yoga is about balance. All the systems of our body that are sustaining life are exquisitely balanced without our awareness. However, in times of undue stress, that process can be taxed and even derailed by our fearful thinking, even without our conscious awareness. These two short practices that anyone can do from a chair will help us to calm our stress response system and wake up our energy.
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“Nonviolence: Our Way to Personal Fulfillment and Social Change” – Dr. Michael Nagler, Recipient of the Jamnalal Bajaj International Award, President of the Metta Center for Nonviolence #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #Nonviolence #Peace #Fulfillment #SocialChange #MichaelNagler #MettaCenter #JamnalalBajajInternationalAward #SDG3, #SDG16
Nonviolence: Our Way to Personal Fulfillment and Social Change
Gandhi once said, “Nonviolence is not the inanity it has been taken for down the ages.” When we grasp the full depth of nonviolence we discover in it the path, embedded in human nature, to our personal growth and the rescue of our world from ecological and social degradation. We discover that it’s no mere collection of techniques but a way of being, a state of mind — that it’s not the province only of scholars or revolutionaries but open to all of us.
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“Motivating Ourselves with Self-Compassion” – Dr. Steven Hickman, Executive Director, The Center for Mindful Self-Compassion. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #Motivation #MotivatingOurselves #Compassion #SelfCompassion #StevenHickman #CenterforMindfulSelfCompassion #CenterforMSC #Mindfulness SDG#3, SDG#16
Motivating Ourselves with Self-Compassion
We often don’t realize how our own inner dialogue makes it so difficult to change and grow as human beings. It is not our actual limitations, but what we tell ourselves or what we believe about ourselves that holds us back. This short talk highlights how we might find ways of working compassionately with that voice of self-criticism, allowing us to achieve our goals and make the changes we wish to manifest in our lives.
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“Heart Connect: Reconnecting with Self, Others and Nature” – Vasco Gaspar, Human Flourishing Facilitator #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #HeartConnect #Reconnecting #Nature #VascoGaspar #Presencing #Theory #Mindfulness #SDG3
Heart Connect: Reconnecting with Self, Others and Nature
We live through moments of crisis worldwide, where there is an old world dying and a new one being born. The world that is dying is the result of a mindset of separation that is leading to several divides: ecological, social, and spiritual. The new world that is emerging is not clear yet, but it is connected to the intelligence of the heart, which has the capacity to integrate different perspectives for the purpose of a greater good. In this webinar, we explore ways of reconnecting with our self, with one another and with nature.
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“Peaceful Parenting” – Prakash Seshadri, Acclaimed Author and Behavioural Trainer. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #PeacefulParenting #Parenting #Prakash Seshadri #SDG4
Peaceful Parenting
This webinar will guide you to take a Heartful approach to being a parent. As a parent/educator you will be able to relate to the modern-day challenges of nurturing children to become responsible adults. The webinar will share a few perspectives in laying out a phased approach to bring serenity into the home and school by offering life changing guidance on raising children to become contented and successful adults.
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“Balance Is Better” – Dr. Elizabeth Denley, Editor-in-Chief, Heartfulness Magazine #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #ElizabethDenley #HeartfulnessMagazine #Balance #Women #Reboot #SDG3, #SDG5 #IWD
Balance is Better
The role of women in society is changing rapidly and many of us are unsure how to develop healthy relationships and balance the roles of daughter, wife or partner, mother and career professional and also find inner contentment and purpose at the same time. In this webinar we explore how women make a difference and can connect with the sacred inner feminine in daily life, self-acceptance and self-confidence, managing emotions, and developing resilience.
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“How to Establish Your City as an International City of Peace” – J. Frederick Arment, Director, International Cities of Peace; and Anjali Brannon, Ayurvedic Natural Health Practitioner #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #JFrederickArment #AnjaliBrannon #InternationalCityofPeace #Cities #Peace #PeaceDay #SDG3, #SDG16
How to Establish Your City as an International City of Peace?
Imagine a world with cities dedicated to expanding their local peace economy and encouraging a global culture of peace. These cities would be dedicated to encouraging safety, prosperity, and quality of life as consensus values for families, neighborhoods, and nations. This webinar is focused on expanding this culture of peace in our communities.
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“Changing the Game from Workplace Burnout to Wellness” – Dr. Jayaram Thimmapuram, Academic Hospitalist, WellSpan York Hospital #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #Burnout #WorkplaceBurnout #Wellness #Stress #JayaramThimmapuram #SDG3
Changing the Game from Workplace Burnout to Wellness
Learn about the components and consequences of burnout and review the data on the effect of Heartfulness Meditation. Also learn about the impact of Heartfulness practice on patients with chronic insomnia.
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“Why We Ourselves Plan Our Greatest Challenges BEFORE We Are Born” – Rob Schwartz, Hypnotist, Past Life Soul Regressions and Author of “Your Soul’s Plan” and “Your Soul’s Gift” #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #RobSchwartz #Soul #SoulRefression #PastLives #YourSoulsPlan #YourSoulsGift
Why we ourselves Plan our Greatest Challenges BEFORE we are Born?
Rob Schwartz talks about his own spiritual path and how he came to write two books about how we plan our lives BEFORE we are born. He will touch on the five main reasons we plan great challenges for ourselves and share true stories of pre-birth planning.
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“Would Meditation Help with Depression and Anxiety?” – Dr. Gary Huber, Integrative Medicine Practitioner #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #DrGaryHuber #Depression #Anxiety #Stress #Meditation #IntegrativeMedicine #SDG3
Would Meditation Help with Depression and Anxiety?
Are you creating your own misery? Many of us struggle to keep up with the pace of modern living, leaving us feeling inadequate, anxious, and maybe even depressed. We want to blame this on something or someone but perhaps the answer lies closer… maybe even within. Is it possible that we have lost touch with our own true essence and artificially adopted an unhealthy agenda? We’ll explore the value of Heartfulness Meditation in reconnecting and mastering our own happiness as a solution.
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“Understanding Autism in Young Children” – Guy Shagar, CEO, Transforming Autism #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #GaryShagar #Autism #TransformingAutism #UnderstandingAutism #SDG3 #SDG4
Understanding Autism in Young Children
Gary Shagarproposes a radically different and empowering understanding of autism, based on his experience of bringing enormous changes in his own autistic son’s life. He will focus on that experience with his son, what he learned about autism and how to ensure the best possible outcomes for a child with autism (or, in fact, any child).
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“Mega-Biodiversity of India” – Dr. V. Ramakantha, Member of the Indian Forest Service #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #VRamakantha #Biodiversity #India #Conversation #SDG15
Mega-Biodiversity of India
Gary Shagarproposes a radically different and empowering understanding of autism, based on his experience of bringing enormous changes in his own autistic son’s life. He will focus on that experience with his son, what he learned about autism and how to ensure the best possible outcomes for a child with autism (or, in fact, any child).
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“Nourishing Your Whole Self: 7 Steps to Holistic Healing with Food” – Dr. Deanna Minich Author and expert in Nutrition, and functional medicine #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #DeannaMinich #HealthyDiet #Nutrition #Food #HolisticHealing #SDG3, #nutrition #healthydiet
Nourishing Your Whole Self: 7 Steps to Holistic Healing with Food
Learn about the holistic healing power of food and how it connects to our whole self, including body, emotions, mood, mind, and spirit, based on ancient principles and modern medicine. Deanna Minich addresses seven ways you can get in touch with nourishing your whole self through your relationship with the foods you eat. You will learn to see food as a pathway to personal growth on many levels.
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“Kindfulness Is Life” – Revered Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, World-renowned Teacher and Meditation Master in the Kagyu and Nyingma Traditions of Tibetan Buddhism #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #ChokyiNyimaRinpoche #Buddhism #TibetanBuddhism #Kindfulness #Mindfulness#SDG3,
Kindfulness is Life
Revered Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche shares his precious teaching, that the most valuable thing we human beings can learn and maybe change to practice and master is “Kindfulness,” and discusses ways to nurture this in our daily lives.
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“Finding Your Authentic Self” – Mutsa Samuel, Critical Thought Leader and Personal Growth Mentor. #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #MutsaSamuel #AuthenticSelf #Authenticity #SDG3
Finding Your Authentic Self
Revered Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche shares his precious teaching, that the most valuable thing we human beings can learn and maybe change to practice and master is “Kindfulness,” and discusses ways to nurture this in our daily lives.
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“What Is Cancer and How Can We Deal with It?” – by Samara Mahindra, Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist and Breast Cancer Recovery Trainer #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #SamaraMahindra#Holistic #Healing #Integratedhealing #Cancer #SDG3
What is Cancer, and How can we Deal with it?
“What is cancer, and how can we deal with it?” The importance of understanding how cancer manifests in the body will give you the tools and resources to know how to deal with it. Topics covered include the breakdown of cancer and how it begins and progresses in the body, the two most important words when it comes to healing cancer: immunity and inflammation, what integrative healing and a holistic approach are, and how the mind, body and nutrition play a part.
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“Relationships: The Power of Opposites” – Dr. Ichak Adizes, Founder and President of the Adizes Institute and Thought Leader in Management Theory #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #IchakAdizes #AdizesInstitute #ManagementTheory #Relationships #SDG3
Relationships: The Power of Opposites
Have you considered the possibility that those differences that can seem so problematic may actually be the very things that produce the spice and passion that sustains, builds and enlivens relationships? In this webinar you’ll learn that you don’t need to panic if you experience conflict in your relationship. Dr. Adizes will show you why conflict is inevitable and how to use it to build a happy relationship at home and in the workplace.
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“Simple Mantra for Healthy Living” – Prof. Belle Monappa Hegde, Physician and Recipient, Padma Bhushan Award #PEARLwebinar #Heartfulness #Meditation #Mantras #HealthyLiving #HealthyLifesttyles #BelleMonappaHegde #SDG3
Simple Mantra for Healthy Living
Does science have all the answers for human illness? Is health and illness decided purely by our genes? Do genes decide how to evolve? There are theories that hypothesize otherwise and support recent scientific studies that allude that we are not just our genes. In the new world view, the human mind assumes special significance. In view of this new scientific awareness, the real environment for our healthy living and recovery from any illness is the human mind.
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