Heartful Life Practice
learn to live from the heart
Heartful Life Practice
Grounded practices to live from the heart – ease suffering, find balance, nurture peace and joy
This course is perfect if
- you wish for greater inner balance in the midst of competing demands of everyday life
- you want to experience more peace and joy
- you long to feel more connected to yourself and those around you
- you seek to reduce the degree of mental and emotional suffering in your life
- you are curious about the core teachings of Heartfulness
Course format: 6 live webinars
Suggested donation
Your generous donation will be used solely to create online webinars and courses that
support the Heartfulness Movement.
$ 10 USD (low income)
$ 60 USD (medium-high income)
$ 100 USD (high income)

Heartful Life Practice is an online course with these 6 modules:
3 Mar 2018
Purpose and power of meditation
Balance your everyday life with meditation. Work, live and love from a deep connected state of presence.
10 Mar 2018
Purify your vision
See life clearly as it is, purify your consciouness and readjust your sense of direction.
17 Mar 2018
Open the door to your inner companion
Close your eyes, soften your ego and trust your inner guidance.
24 Mar 2018
Simplicity in nature as a guide
Simplicity and contentment are keys to living a heartful life.
31 Mar 2018
When life hurts – doorways to transform
It is as it is.” Going through pain, dealing with suffering.
7 Apr 2018
Heartfulness: hearts full of love
Generosity and acceptance open your heart, as well as the hearts of those around you.
What is Heartful Life Practice?
Happiness is our natural state of being. This course shows you how to cultivate happiness and contentment, by applying simple acceptance and love in everyday problems.
The objective of the course is to offer practical and grounded insights, based on essential teachings from the Heartfulness tradition.
During these 6 live webinars, you will deepen your understanding of the core practices of Heartfulness. You’ll learn how to use the universal principles of existence to foster a deep contentment in life.
You will learn practices that you can readily use, so that you can move through life more centered, focused and contented.
Module 1 – Meditate
The purpose and
power of meditation
Balance your everyday life by meditating, and move through life from a deeper connected state of presence.
We will address:
Why the purpose of meditation is much more than just relaxing; it’s basically connecting yourself to the source of life within.

We will learn to align ourselves with the fundamental connectedness of life. This session goes into WHY meditation is a key practice in spirituality, and the fundamental features of a true spiritual practice.
Join us on 3 Mar 2018 at 2.30 pm CEST, 7:00 pm IST
Module 2 – Clean
Purify your vision
See life clearly as it is, purify your consciousness, and readjust your direction.
We will address:
Why our vision of life and daily matters tends to get a bit distorted, and how to regain the strength of clarity.

We will explore the insights behind the effective technique of cleaning. You’ll understand how your willpower is a needed support and extremely important in regaining your direction in life. We will also learn to deal with the experience of losing our sense of inner clarity and lightness of heart.
Join us on 10 Mar 2018 at 2.30 pm CEST, 7:00 pm IST
Module 3 – Pray 
Open the door to your inner companion
We will address:
The language of the heart, and how to soften the ego and surrender to the depth of the heart.
We will inquire into the power of prayer as a way of reconnecting with the wisdom of the higher presence within. Changing ourselves can seem tremendously difficult, as we fall into the trap of struggling. Prayer and surrender are softer and lighter ways of reconnecting with ourselves.

Join us on 17 Mar 2018 at 2.30 pm CEST, 7:00 pm IST
Module 4 – Simplify
Simplicity and contentment are keys to joy
We will address:
Why we tend to get caught up in all kinds of intricacies, and how to untangle ourselves from the identifications that keeps us separate.
Nature teaches us effortless action, simplicity and beauty. As humans we identify in an attempt to navigate in this world, but this can become a trap. We’ll investigate how simplicity can get you back on track faster than anything else, and how intricacies and complexities can be reminders of the soul’s deep longing.

Join us on 24 Mar 2018 at 2.30 pm CEST, 7:00 pm IST
Module 5 – Accept
When life hurts, you’re at the doorway
of transformation
“It is as it is.” Going through pain, dealing with suffering.
We will address:
How to relate creatively to pain and suffering in life, and thus change not only your experience but yourself in the process.

Turning towards suffering seems counter-intuitive, as our automatic reaction is more often to turn away from suffering. And yet, seeing it “as it is” is a step that can relieve us from further pain and suffering. This module will primarily focus on emotional pain, and how to accept our experience.
Join us on 31 Mar 2018 at 2.30 pm CEST, 7:00 pm IST
Module 6 – Love
Heartfulness: hearts full of love
Generosity and acceptance open the heart to embrace the differences among us.
We will address:
What is meant by moving through life in a connected state of presence, and going beyond experiences of isolation and separation.

Look beyond the walls of separation and recognize the interconnectedness of all human beings. The heart is by nature inclusive rather than exclusive. Generosity is more that giving material things, it is basically about how well we accept the differences among each other.
Join us on 7 Apr 2018 at 2.30 pm CEST, 7:00 pm IST
What can you expect?
This course address some of the foundational principles of Heartfulness practices.
The format will be the introduction of core concepts and themes, followed by a Q&A session.
The focus is on using the concepts in everyday life, and inviting you to dive into your own integration process between the modules.
Integration moves us towards wisdom, beyond mere knowledge. No matter what your background, whether you are an experienced meditator or new to meditation, we welcome you to this practical exploration and integration of a spiritual human life.
Have you been introduced to Heartfulness meditation yet? We suggest you try it out before attending the webinars, as to start your own experiences.
Helle Laursen, MA

Helle specializes in compassion-based approaches to enhance emotional resilience, for groups and individuals, as well as in organizations. Her primary focus of expertize is for caregivers, private as well as professionals. She has been a student of Heartfulness meditation for 20 years, and is a valued facilitator of Heartfulness workshops, as well as a Heartfulness trainer.
Speaker’s acknowledgement
Appearances are never the whole story. Even though I am the host of this series, the teachings presented are not of my own making. On the live webinars, I will do my best to let the teachings, the deep insight and the wisdom innate in Heartfulness come forth. My hope is, that you might be touched by these rich and beautiful teachings, as have I. Only together can we create a world of union and connectedness, and bringing forth more love, peace and joy. It all starts in the heart.
There is a number of people, whose support, contribution and inspiration have been so profound that this project just wouldn’t have come alive without them.
My deep and most sincere gratitude goes to Chariji and Daaji, for opening my heart by their mere presence in this world. Words can never express how deeply they have touched my heart, how gentle they have transformed my life, and how my ongoing transformation is nurtured by their support and wisdom.
Dorina Gnauer for her ability to clairify and pinpoint essential parts of Babujis teachings, and co-creating a structure for these webinars. These webinars are a light version of an extensive series of teachings on the Maxims, that we developed and taught together in the Heartfulness Center Aarhus.
Steen and Mikala Bruun for their unwavering love and support, for opening their home and hearts, including countless hours of discussion over coffee.
Bodhi Jeffreys for generously showering me with his love and wisdom and showing me how to trust the path of life, no matter what.
Victor Kannan for believing in this project, despite the inevitable bumps, challenges and changes along the way.
Finally my thanks to all my fellow volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make projects like this come alive. These webinars just wouldn’t be possible without their expertise and continuous support.