
Taking Care Of Your Mental Health

Lipakshi Rathor

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body yet so amazing. It is made of more than 100 billion neurons that communicate in trillions of connections and sometimes due to certain neurotransmitter imbalances it can cause abnormalities in the communication among neurons. When the imbalance takes place, the brain may malfunction and won’t be able to send proper instructions to the body which may lead to mental health issues.

In the US, The National Mental Health Act was passed in 1946, while in India, it was passed on 22 May 1987 although till date it is still an up-in-the-air topic for many parts of the world. We are familiar with the word mental health and we’ve also seen people around us suffering due to mental health issues but there is still a lot to discover about it. It’s time that we dive into the depth and learn about a few things like how we can deal with mental health issues, how we can talk more about it or share our emotions, what should our response or reaction be when someone is sharing their feelings to make them feel more comfortable. We should always that remember our mental health effects our physical health. So, there shouldn’t be a stigma around mental health – none.


Here are 5 tips for good mental health

They will help us to tackle this issue and make our heart feel better at tough times –

  • Share for self-care – “Share your problems for yourself”. When a conversation starts, it mostly starts with “How are you?” and in formality most of the time our response is “Doing great” even when we know we aren’t. This is a small example of how at times we don’t speak about what’s going on. So, the next time someone close asks you “How are you doing?” don’t take it as a formal question, instead take it as an opportunity to pause, center and genuinely respond to how you are feeling.
    We don’t realize the importance of sharing and the big role it plays in our lives. Sigmund Freud once said “Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways”. We usually compare our emotions and think we don’t have big issues like the other person, we should stop doing that because in the end traumas are traumas be it big or small. So, whenever your heart feels heavy share your emotions. Sharing is the biggest self-care.
  • Relaxation – Relaxation is a process that reduces stress and tension in all parts of your body and helps you to stay balanced even in stressful situations. The Heartfulness Relaxation is a simple yet effective tool that one can practice by following the guided instructions.
  • Meditation – It is a process that brings our attention inward towards the soul. The Heartfulness Meditation takes the aid of transmission to help us immerse and connect even in the first attempt we even make.