Durga Nagarajan

Mind over matter #HumansOfHeartfulness

Like many others, life has been a rollercoaster ride for me. I have had my share of ups and downs. But, I believe this is how it should be, as they teach you life lessons that come in handy in the direst of circumstances. As the famous industrialist, Ratan Tata, once said, “Ups and downs in life are very important…… Read More.


Be In Tune With Nature

How To Be In Tune With Nature #InternationalDayOfYoga

It was a long living room with beautiful tiles and minimal furnishing. At the end of the room, there was a large balcony that opened to the vistas and views of Kanha Shanti Vanam. I was here to meet my teacher and guide Kamlesh D. Patel, fondly called Daaji. The monsoon drizzle and the overcast sky lit up the room…… Read More.


NASA Celebrates Meditation

NASA Celebrates Meditation #InternationalDayofYoga

The space shuttle is a global symbol of man’s potential for great exploration and thirst for knowledge of the unknown. What launches the shuttle? One could say it is the giant engine, the fiery gas emitting huge clouds of smoke that we see during every televised launch. Looking a little deeper though, the real thrust behind the space program is…… Read More.


A Man Is Inviting to Feel Whole

An Invitation to Feel Whole #Internationaldayofyoga

How many of us crave for something more? As I grow older, I am increasingly confronted with an underlying feeling of emptiness within myself. It’s often in the stillness of the night under the shadow of darkness, in the moments before going to sleep, that we become most aware of this deep emptiness. We are confronted with this feeling that…… Read More.


A man is doing Yoga

A Simplified Yoga for Today’s Busy Lifestyle

Why Heartfulness on yoga day? In Nature, everything happens at the appropriate moment. The solution to a crisis emerges at the moment it is needed. I was wondering about the declaration of June 21st as the International Day of Yoga, by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, a couple of years ago. He said that the General Assembly of the…… Read More.


let us meet in union

Let Us Meet In Union

Yoga means union, union with the source of our existence, and with all. If we come to the understanding that all of us are one with anything and everything in the universe, I believe we will experience a different reality in this very world. Most of the problems which we are facing in today’s world, such as scarcity of water…… Read More.


Yoga in One Hand and Meditation in the Other

With Yoga in One Hand and Meditation in the Other

Over the past ten years or so I have told myself I would start practicing yoga daily. I tried power yoga, other physical yoga types, and those that focus more on inner balance and serenity. Well, it wasn’t until after I began practicing Heartfulness meditation that I began doing yoga more often. I didn’t intend for this to happen, in…… Read More.


Through Remembrance & Union

Through Remembrance, Union #InternationalDayofYoga

If, five or ten years ago, you had the same knowledge you have today, do you think your life would have been different? Having exercised a choice and arriving at a path now, have you wondered what it would be like to have exercised a different choice? Well, let me tell you a story. Once Lord Krishna and his devotee,…… Read More.


A group of children are doing yoga

365 Yoga Days in a Year

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root, “yuj” which means “to unite”. Yoga means that which unites man with God. In ancient days, those who wanted to achieve yoga or union with the divine, retired to forests and meditated for years. As they did meditation in a sitting posture for long, to keep their bodies flexible, they devised…… Read More.


A man is Finding peace with heartfulness meditation

Finding peace with heartfulness meditation

We lead hectic lives, overloading our brain with information all the time. And most of the time we are surrounded by people, making it impossible for us to sit and chant mantras. There are still ways to fit meditation into your busy schedule; to harness your thoughts and find those blissful moments of stillness. Heartfulness meditation is a simple form…… Read More.



Peace on Earth

Peace of mind, peace and quiet, war and peace, Individual peace, world peace, are all related to the many facets of the peace on earth which was sought after even at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, 2,016 years ago. Jesus was born and the angels rejoiced: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good…… Read More.


The Power of Belief and Positive Thinking

The Power of Belief and Positive Thinking

The word “belief” is defined in the dictionary as “confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptive to rigorous proof.”[i] But this word can be broken down into two separate terms: “be” and “lief.” “To be” simply means to exist or to live. The word “lief” originates from an Indo-European word “leubh,” which means love. The combined…… Read More.
