Situated by the Vivekananda Marg, sheltered amidst the silence of trees, and surrounded by the inscriptions of sacred scriptures, Kanha Shanti Vanam nurtures oneness with self and with others.
Experience Meditation
The Yatra Garden is a symbolic representation of the spiritual journey undertaken by a seeker of God. This inner yatra of the soul, and its mysteries, reflect the unique spiritual heritage of Heartfulness.
Experience the Journey
In tune with nature, and equipped with modern amenities, the Wellness Center at Kanha offers therapeutic healing systems, such as Ayurveda and Panchakarma, all under one roof.
Experience the Retreat
Kanha Shanti Vanam Inaguration
At Kanha, nature exists in awe-inspiring stillness and elegance. Kanha is a space where humankind and nature coexist in harmony.
Water conserved today is a promise for tomorrow. Kanha offers facilities that preserve, protect, and manage this precious resource in a sustainable way.