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Globally, the average surface temperature has increased more than one degree Celsius since the late 1800s. The increase in temperature has resulted from the rising atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs: CO 2 , carbon dioxide; CH 4 , methane; N 2 O, nitrous oxide; and F, fluorinated gases) which have risen about 40 percent in the last 150 years, with half of that rise occurring only in the last three decades. Increasing GHGs in the atmosphere has wide-ranging effects, such as rising sea levels, increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires, more extreme weather, including changes in the amount, timing and distribution of rain, snow, and runoff; deadly heat waves; severe droughts; tropical storms which threaten food production. Therefore, controlling GHG emissions in the atmosphere is considered as one of the great environmental challenges of this century.

Soils constitute the largest C pool in soil organic matter (SOM), and this is one of the most important components of a field ecosystem. It serves as a soil conditioner, nutrient source, substrate for microbial activity, and a major determinant for sustaining or increasing agricultural productivity. The amount of C in soils is more than three times the C in the terrestrial vegetation and in the atmosphere.

Given the 133-Gt soil carbon deficit that has accrued over time, beginning about 20 years ago, proposals for repaying this carbon debt through enhanced farming practices began to emerge as a climate mitigation strategy. Because of their large C pool and accompanying C flux, soils offer the potential of mitigating GHG/CO 2 emissions and climate change via C sequestration in aboveground biomass or soils. Assuming an enhanced land carbon sink, following the aspirational (4 per 1000) target for both agricultural and non-agricultural soils, the soil carbon sequestration would reach 3.7 Gt C/yr and carbon storage in the aboveground biomass to the tune of 2.4 Gt C/yr through forestry, agroforestry, and restoration of secondary tropical forest, in addition to the current land carbon sink (3.0 Gt C/yr). Globally there have been strong interests in capturing C in agricultural soils, not only to mitigate the risk of global warming, but also to improve soil quality. Read more...

The event is organised by Heartfulness Institute in collaboration with the international "4 per 1000" Initiative.



The original conference will be organized with the following specific objectives:

  • To deliberate on the potential, challenges, opportunities, and strategies in soil C sequestration and soil health in Asia and the Pacific.
  • To propose an implementation pathway from policy to action through a regional “4 per 1000” roadmap, which would include for instance:
    • An action plan for establishing a regional consortium to foster collaborative research around carbon sequestration in soils and maintaining healthy soils, and
    • A regional database on good agricultural practices for carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation to support transition and payment for ecosystem services.

Join your Asia-Pacific colleagues in Kanha Shanti Vanam, India to discuss soil carbon sequestration, gain new perspectives, and become inspired. This event connects real-world farming, policy, research, and business.

Let's build cooperation to boost soil carbon sequestration and speed up the transition toward productive and highly resilient agriculture. The meeting is targeted to researchers, farmers, policymakers, and business representatives from the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Papouasie-New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, and all other countries of the Asia and Pacific.

The event is organised by Heartfulness Institute in collaboration with the international "4 per 1000" Initiative

Event Info


Kanha Shanti Vanam, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India


19 - 22 September 2023


Important information

No mandatory fees

Participation is free of charge. However, the organisers reserve the right to charge no- shows with the costs incurred (approx. 4500 INR per day). Participants may cancel their registration until 18 August 2023 without naming a reason completely free of charge. Participants may cancel any time due to illness.

If possible, please consider donating a voluntary participation fee to the organisers. You'll receive more information about how to donate upon registration.


Upon registration, you'll receive more information regarding the opportunity to present a poster.

Questions? Contact us

If you have questions or concerns (wish to contribute through a presentation, wish to support the event, need for an invitation letter for visa purpose, etc…), please don't hesitate to reach out.

Email: apac.conference@4p1000.org

Visit Kanha Shanti vanam website.





About the organisers


Heartfulness Is an Educational & Volunteer-Based Non-Profit Organization, Focused on Meditation, Relaxation, Yoga & Spirituality. It Offers Free Meditation in hundred of Heartspots across the globe and through the Heartfulness App. Located on the outskirts of Hyderabad, Telangana, Kanha Shanti Vanam is the world headquarters of the Heartfulness Institute. The ashram is an ecological paradise, a place for spiritual retreat, where you can experience simple living in-tune with inner and outer nature. In 2019, Kanha was awarded 'The Pride of Telangana', for inner wellness, by Round Table India & Times of India. The center also received the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Platinum award in 2019 for following world class environment friendly practices becoming the first meditation center in the world to achieve the feat.

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The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

Launched at UNFCCC CoP 21 in December 2015, the international "4 per 1000 Initiative: Soils for Food Security and Climate" aims to show that agriculture, and in particular agricultural soils, can provide concrete solutions to the challenge of climate change while at the same time meeting the challenge of food security by implementing agricultural practices adapted to local conditions: agroecology, including agroforestry, regenerative agriculture, conservation agriculture, and also landscape management...
The international "4 per 1000" Initiative promotes the natural sequestration of organic carbon in soils and brings the vision of healthy, carbon-rich soils to fight climate change and eradicate world hunger.
"4 per 1000" represents the proportion 4 ‰ or 0,4 %. An annual growth rate of 0.4% in soil carbon stocks ("4 per 1000") in the first 30 to 40 cm of soil, would significantly reduce the concentration of CO2 from human activities in the atmosphere.

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