Finding clarity in life
Feeling confused on the spiritual path
Integrating Heartfulness practices into your daily life
Grounding yourself spiritually
Understanding spiritual experiences
Feeling isolated as a spiritual seeker in a material world
Every Office Hours event is structured as a question and answer session where anyone can feel free to put questions about life and spirituality to the designated Elder(s) on the call.
Benefit from the accumulated wisdom of experienced Heartfulness Practitioners who have been meditating for an average of 30-50 years.
Each Office Hours session is preceded by a 30-minute Zoom satsangh, or group meditation, led by one of our Elders.
Feel a sense of enhanced clarity
Walk away with a sense of inspiration & wonder
Deepen your spiritual pursuit
Renew your enthusiasm for the spiritual journey
Find answers
Ground yourself in the Heartfulness practice
Connect with a spiritual community