Gently close your eyes and relax.
Turn your attention inwards and take a moment to observe yourself. Make a gentle suggestion that the source of light already present in your heart is illuminating it from within and drawing you in.
Do this in a gentle and natural way. There is no need to concentrate. If you find your awareness drifting to other thoughts, gently come back to the idea of the light in your heart.
Feel immersed in the light in your heart, and let yourself become absorbed.
Remaining still and quiet, rest there for as long as you want, until you feel ready to come out.
Gently close your eyes and relax.
Now focus on your back, from the top of the head to the tailbone.
Think that all the complexities and impurities from the day are going away. It is a suggestion that it is happening.
From where? Out your back, from the top of the head to the tailbone. Imagine it.
How? Think that they are going in the form of smoke.
Continue with this process.
When you have settled with this, then accelerate the process.
Do this for 15 to 20 minutes.
Then gently add the next element to the cleaning process. Imagine that the light is descending from above and is entering from the front side of your system. It is passing through your entire body, going out from the back and helping you to remove those complexities and impurities.
This light is filling up the vacuum left by the removal of complexities and impurities.
At the end, make a firm suggestion: all the complexities and impurities are now removed,and I feel a lot simpler and purer.
Close your eyes and relax, with your attention drawn very gently towards the heart.
Think that “The source of light which is already present inside my heart is drawing my attention inward, it is pulling my attention inward.”
If thoughts do arise, gently remind yourself that we are in meditation, meditating on the source of light.
Rest your attention in the heart, feel the longing that is there in the heart to be one, and the highest you can be. Call upon this deepest Self for guidance. Try to go deeper within.
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