Scientific NameCommon NameIUCN AssessmentRemarks


Days elapsed from first day of plantation

3000 Tons

Carbon sequestration Potential of this forest in next 20 years^

5 Ton

Carbon sequestered This section will be enabled after 6 months of plantation

92% Percentage

Survival rate of saplings planted#

8 Feet

Average height of the forest*

^ - Forests By Heartfulness uses allometric equations for biomass estimation, that is used to derive the carbon sequestered, both actual & potential. The key parameters that go into this equation includes tree species, girth or Diameter at Breast Height and Height of the tree.

* - Based on quarterly observation. Next observation due on 3 months from last observation. First observation is on plantation day

# - FBH team aims to keep the survival rate above 95% of the initially rated capacity of the forest. If there are more casualties, the team replaces them with new saplings to keep the count above 95%.