
The Joy In Doing Everything #HumansOfHeartfulness

Meera Ravishankar

As an entrepreneur and a mother, I have reaped the many benefits of daily meditation. I ventured into the world of wedding design while at architecture school when I was 19, and 7 years hence, I am married with a child and managing my business parallelly.

Born in an Indian family, my exposure to spiritual practice began at 3 years old when my parents started to meditate. Knowingly or unknowingly, it has been with me since and when I turned 17, I also began my practice choosing the system of Heartfulness meditation. Meditation is my life now – it feels like the most natural thing to me, like becoming a mother.

Having started my business at a young age, meditation helped me a great deal in using my time in a productive way with utmost clarity. I relied solely on this to make every decision in my life – career and personal. I don’t come from a business family, so, meditation helped me a great deal to focus, to have faith and follow my heart without feeling pressured by the dogmas of society. In a world of chaos, it helps me to center myself. Being centered helps me work better and brings out my creative best – the inspiration with which I started. It has helped me pave my unique path and create my own little world of happiness. Work is a big part of my life and I believe in being the best at what I do.

Meditation also played a huge role during my pregnancy and prepared me for my life of motherhood. Like many first-time mothers, I had many reservations and worries, particularly about breast feeding. Not paying much attention to these thoughts, I continued meditating throughout and during my last month my pregnancy, I found myself free of all inhibitions and in a perfectly balanced state. It helped me go with the flow and trust, which helped me through the process in the most natural way possible.

Meditation has helped me juggle my life as a mother and an entrepreneur smoothly. It helps me be more efficient – I can give quality time to my little one and get things done at work. If not for spirituality, I am sure I would have been a chaotic wreck! In my experience, having a baby isn’t going to stop your life in anyway, in my case it made it better. You are happier and when you are happy you do well at all that you do!

Also Read: 90days of heartfulness practice
