Registration Form

Registration is not required for current Heartfulness practitioner.



Love cannot be bound or contained. Become love and you will be boundless.
#22toheartfulyou is an initiative to offer you with bubbles of happiness and glimpses to your soul. We will be sharing an activity each day for the next 22 days that would take less than 15 minutes of your time.
Something to do, something to think and something to feel, that would help you understand yourself better.
heartfulness young boys & girls are laughing

panda & tortoise

Credits : Kungfu Panda Movie

Why this?

Let us take the present and turn it into a Present!
Start with the intention that we are the captains of our cruise and designers of our destiny. We can do this. Take a step towards that what you seek. Take one day at a time.
Use the present to do little things, to recalibrate yourself and follow your heart’s compass.

These presents will unveil themselves each day on